Saturday 24 September 2011

17th century food

To fry Applepies
PERIOD: England, 17th century | SOURCE: A True Gentlewomans Delight, 1653 | CLASS: Authentic
DESCRIPTION: A recipe for apple pasties

To fry Applepies.
Take Apples and pare them, and chop them very small, beat in a little Cinnamon, a little Ginger, and some Sugar, a little Rosewater, take your paste, roul it thin, and make them up as big Pasties as you please, to hold a spoonful or a little lesse of your Apples; and so stir them with Butter not to hastily least they be burned.


  1. A fine lady you have there! Speaking of fine ladies in a 17th century style dress, Princess Madeleine of Sweden:
