Monday 24 June 2013

pasta in the oven



  • 4 persone
  • 490 Kcal a porzione
  • difficoltà facile
  • pronta in 1 ora
  • ricetta vegetariana
  • ricetta light
  • si può preparare in anticipo
  • si può mangiare fuori


  • Scolare la mozzarella dal suo liquido di governo e tagliarla a pezzettini. Metterli in un colino a perdere un po' di liquido.
  • Snocciolare le olive e tagliarle in 3-4 parti.
  • Dissalare i capperi sotto acqua corrente, lasciarli a bagno per 4-5 minuti in acqua fresca, quinti tamponarli con carta da cucina.
  • Lessare la pasta in abbondante acqua bollente salata per la metà della cottura segnalata sulla confezione, quindi scolarla.
  • Versare la pasta in una pirofila di adeguate dimensioni e cominciare a condirla. Ogni volta che si aggiunge un ingrediente mescolare accuratamente.
  • Condire con l'olio, unire la passata di pomodoro, metà Parmigiano, le olive, una manciata di origano, i capperi e la mozzarella.
  • Dopo aver amalgamato bene tutti gli ingredienti cospargere sulla superficie il restante Parmigiano ed infornare, nel forno preriscaldato a 200° C per 20 minuti circa.


Garganelli, farfalle.


Ricetta per tutte le stagioni.

Thursday 20 June 2013

chicken salad

Quando si avvicina l’estate, non abbiamo tanta voglia di metterci vicino ai fornelli, cosa c’è di meglio di una bella insalata di pollo. Fresca, leggera e appetitosa può essere servita come antipasto, secondo o addirittura piatto unico. Pochi semplici passaggi e avrete una freschissima e gustosa pietanza, la preparazione è davvero molto semplice, basta bollire il pollo e, una volta lasciato raffreddare, con le mani fare a la carne straccetti, condite la vostra insalata come meglio credete, a vostro gusto, carote, carciofi, zucchine, pomodori e chi più ne ha più ne metta. Ottima da dare ai bambini, la carne bianca, è particolarmente indicata per l’alimentazione dei piccoli. Servitela durante una cena con amici farete un figurone, una tipica pietanza estiva e non solo, può essere la base per un ottima dieta, la carne bianca si sa è molto indicata anche nelle diete a basso contenuto calorico. Vi basterà seguire la nostra ricetta e le nostre immagini ed avrete una speciale insalata di pollo.
Valutata 3.5000 su 4 voti e 0 commenti. Categoria: Secondi a base di carne.
30 minuti 60 minuti 4 persone
Foto della ricetta Insalata di pollo

Wednesday 19 June 2013


250 gr: di pasta corta tipo penne
80 gr: di prosciutto cotto
100 gr: di piselli
1 zucchina
1 bella carota
1 costa di sedano
½ cipolla
5 cucchiai di parmigiano grattugiato
Besciamella fatta con:
1 noce di burro
1 cucchiaio di farina
300 gr. di latte
Sale e noce moscata

Pulire le verdure, tagliarle a striscioline e farle saltare in padella con 3 cucchiai d?olio, dopo poco aggiungere anche i piselli, salare e lasciar cuocere per alcuni minuti.
Intanto che cuociono le verdure lessare la pasta al dente, scolarla e unirla alle verdure, aggiungere il prosciutto tagliato a striscioline, metà del parmigiano e la besciamella.
Versare la pasta in una pirofila imburrata, spolverizzare la superficie con il parmigiano rimasto e far gratinare in forno già caldo a 180 per circa 20 minuti.
Lasciare riposare qualche minuto e servire.

Tuesday 11 June 2013


Im a Londoner and by chance was born there (Im one part English, one part Italian and one part Irish), to say Im proud to be a Londoner would be a falsehood in logic as we are born where we are born by chance but Im willing to carry on the traditions and customs of London as if by being born there I am entrusted with something of it but London today has changed beyond all recognition to be honest, the thieves in Whitehall have created a kind of exclusive club where you cannot possibly buy a house unless you have half a million pounds and that buys you very very little. The reason for this is that we are badly governed by thieves of all colours albeit Con, Lab or Lib. These people have in one way or another made sure that whatever is sold or bought in our nation most of it goes to them or their offspring and of course they expect us to believe all their bullshit in newspapers and T.V. They even expect us to vote for them . Why? So we can be enslaved financially.Basically we vote so we can be economic slaves.Does that sound normal to you?
One of the main issues of the last few years as regards the political scene in the U.K has been the Scots wanting independence from England.
 Many of the English had and have an attitude of "We are better off without you". No one really understands the viewpoint of our "Brothers" from across the border. Apart from some obvious racists (and they are only a few) the Scots want independence from us for one reason : the reason is that they do not want to be part of the corruption that is the English parliament .
 Secondly, they exert the right that it is the common man who decides what we are to do as regards a nation and not corrupt politicians who aided by their "lap dogs" of the media, cut up the rich slices of wealth for themselves and their friends.
 If we just look at London as I said  its nearly impossible for ordinary workers to buy a house and if you can raise the deposit then you are in debt for the rest of your life paying a huge mortgage that is a result of those that mix politics with business and profit.
The Scots are saying no to all this and as a people the English should support them 100 per cent and not listen to the rubbish of the English press, if we support them then we may be able to free ourselves of the liars and thieves within parliament and their friends outside.
 Its not just a question of accepting Scotland as an independent nation but a question of the English taking an example from the Scots and creating a land where the common man or worker decides what will be.
Nearly everything we read in the press is rubbish and not just rubbish but total lies. It is done in a very subtle waY, a lot of it wants you to feel that it is you who decide things and not the meagre per cent of those that actually run the country. Your vote is meaningless, vote for one or the other of the main parties and the result is the same. We have a Joseph Gorbbels type press the idea comes from Joseph himself and it boils down to one thing "If you tell a lie enough times then you will be believed" . This has been modified to "If you modify a lie enough times then it will be believed". Meaningless wars made solely for oil has seen our military sent to places like Afghanistan to be killed aiding the biggest lie of all that we in some way are fighting for freedom.

Monday 10 June 2013

shoe care from justin

Shoe Care - Why You Should Be Practicing It

You say, "Why does it matter so much?" I say, "Because it makes a big difference in your shoes' attempt to persevere!" You say, "But I will need to buy another pair in two years anyway!" I then say, "Yeah so will I but my old pair will still be on rotation while yours are sitting in the garbage!!"

Shoes aren't free, right? Unfortunately not! So, why not maximize our investment and treat our shoes nicely as they should be? If you have nice leather shoes you should be investing in the little things that can double their lifespan. They are not many and they are easy to use and store. A shoe must never be taken off and thrown in the closet unless you really want your shoes to stink, your leather to wrinkle and break down and your shoes to look like shit. That being said, here is the list of things you need:

1. Shoe trees
2. Shoe bags for storage
3. Leather lotion/saddle soap
4. Shoe Wax
5. Old T-Shirt (for polishing)
6. Black nylons (try-on footies for shining/cleaning)
7. Horse-hair brush
8. Edge dressing (Black & Brown)

I have put these in order of importance, in the sense of what will keep your shoes lasting longer. If there is only one thing that a person much purchase when getting a pair of leather shoes, it should be shoe trees. Shoe trees alone will help add time to your shoes' lifespan. For each one I will explain why they are needed and how you use them to your advantage.

-There are so many things that shoe trees do but in my opinion the most important is the fact that they will absorb moisture (water & sweat) from your leather. This is important because moisture left in your leather will not only stiffen your leather, increasing the chances of cracking but will also slowly deteriorate the integrity of your leather (decay it). Shoe trees will also aid in maintaining the form of your shoes, keeping creases from setting into your leather and will also fight odor. Always have your shoe trees in your shoes when you are not wearing them. If you happen to get your shoes quite wet the most important way to dry them is to insert your trees and lay each shoe on its side. Let them sit for 1-2 hours and then rotate the shoes to lay on their opposite sides. That way there is not any uneven drying which will leave dried wet spots. There are several types of shoe tree shapes and woods used for them. Depending on who you ask, many people recommend cedar shoe trees especially because they fight odor the best. Since I don't have this problem I don't really care what type of wood they are but more in the shape of the shoe tree. There are really two main types of trees and those are one's that fit exactly the last of the shoe and those that are generic in shape and sizing. Obviously the one's that fit the last are much better but they are harder to find, expensive and heavier (in case of travel). Here are pictures:

These will help shade the shoes from light that can harm your leather and will also keep your shoes free from dust. They will also lessen the chances of you scratching the leather of your shoes from other objects in your closet.

-Leather is like your skin, it needs to be treated to maintain it's soft looks, shape and feel. Leather lotion (saddle soap is a leather lotion) is the moisturizer that you need to use to maintain these qualities in your leather. Ideally you should apply leather lotion to your shoes anytime that they might be looking a little scuffed. However, if this is too much for you to do just make sure that you apply it before every polish and let it dry 10 minutes before applying the wax. Use an old t-shirt or soft rag to apply and do so evenly. This will buff the scuffs out and clean unseen dirt.


-This is for polishing your shoes. I prefer this over a paste or a cream. In my opinion, it absorbs into the leather better and gives your more a shine as well as protects your leather from water. There are many brands of wax, Lincoln is a famous one and you can find it at any shoe repair store.

-I use these to apply the leather lotion and the wax. It is preferable to have one for each but is not absolutely necessary.

-These are the trick to keeping your shoes clean and shiny. Working in retail, I always carried a footie (try-on size nylons) in my pocket to wipe down my shoes to clean the dust that would collect on them. You will be amazed at how fast they will clean and shine at the same time. They are also used at the end of the polishing process. Once you have applied the wax and think that your shoes are ready to go, let them sit for 10-15 minutes and then wipe them down with a black nylon to really bring out extra shine.

-These can be used for several different reasons. The most knowledgeable use is to bring out the shine after applying wax, however if you know how to give a real shine you would not use it for that, just the wax, t-shirt and nylon. I will explain that in another post when I show how to shine a shoe properly. Instead what I use these for is to clean the shoe and get in the cracks between the welt and the upper leather, to get that dust and dirt out. If you use these for shining make sure that you have one for black, one for dark brown and one for lighter colors. They will collect the wax on the bristles and will stain your lighter shoes if you were to use the same brush that you used on your dark shoes. They come in different color bristles to keep it simple.


-Edge dressing is the product that you use to apply to the sides of your soles to give them their color back. Now this is not completely necessary because you can also use the wax so long as you have the right color. The thing about edge dressing is that it is chemically based and will stain your leather if it hits it so you have to be careful. Even a black edge dressing will stain your black leather and leave a little spot that looks like a gasoline leak. 

Obviously none of these things will make a difference if you treat your shoes like shit, so be aware of puddles and rocks. Don't be clumsy and accidentally scrape the sides of your shoes or your toe part on the concrete. Be aware, especially if you spent a hefty amount on your shoes. And if you do screw them up take some ownership in it and buy yourself a new pair and don't try to return them saying that the leather just broke, salespeople in shoe departments are not that stupid and trust me, they think you are when you do such things

Tuesday 4 June 2013


This is a very basic beef stew. It’s easy, delicious and inexpensive to make. While there are hundreds of variations of this traditional recipe, it’s hard to improve on this version’s savory and comforting goodness.

Serves: 12
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook Time: 1 hour, 30 minutes
Total Time: 2 hours

3 lbs boneless chuck roast, cut into 2-inch pieces
3 tbsp vegetable oil
2 tsp salt
1 tbsp freshly ground pepper
2 yellow onions, cut into 1-inch chunks
1/4 cup flour
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 cup red wine
3 cups beef broth
1/2 tsp dried rosemary
1 bay leaf
1/2 tsp dried thyme
4 carrots, peeled, cut into 1-inch slices
2 stalks celery, cut into 1-inch slices
3 large russet potatoes, peeled and cut in eighths
fresh parsley to garnish (optional)


On medium-high heat, add the vegetable oil to a large heavy pot (one that has a tight fitting lid).

When it begins to smoke slightly, add the beef and brown very well. Do in batches if necessary. Add the salt and pepper as the beef browns.

Once browned, remove the beef with a slotted spoon set aside.

Add the onions and sauté for about 5 minutes, until softened.

Reduce heat to medium-low, and add the flour and cook for 2 minutes stirring often.

Add the garlic and cook for 1 minute.

Add wine and deglaze the pan, scraping any brown bits stuck to the bottom of the pan. The flour will start to thicken the wine as it comes to a simmer.

Simmer wine for 5 minutes, and then add the broth, bay leaves, thyme, rosemary, and the beef.

Bring back to a gentle simmer, cover and cook on very low for about 1 hour.

Add potatoes, carrots, and celery, and simmer covered for another 30 minutes or until the meat and vegetables are tender. Taste and adjust seasoning.

Turn off heat and let sit for 15 minutes before serving. Garnish with the fresh parsley if desired

Foto: This is a very basic beef stew. It’s easy, delicious and inexpensive to make. While there are hundreds of variations of this traditional recipe, it’s hard to improve on this version’s savory and comforting goodness.  Serves: 12 Prep Time: 30 minutes Cook Time: 1 hour, 30 minutes Total Time: 2 hours Ingredients:      3 lbs boneless chuck roast, cut into 2-inch pieces     3 tbsp vegetable oil     2 tsp salt     1 tbsp freshly ground pepper     2 yellow onions, cut into 1-inch chunks     1/4 cup flour     3 cloves garlic, minced     1 cup red wine     3 cups beef broth     1/2 tsp dried rosemary     1 bay leaf     1/2 tsp dried thyme     4 carrots, peeled, cut into 1-inch slices     2 stalks celery, cut into 1-inch slices     3 large russet potatoes, peeled and cut in eighths     fresh parsley to garnish (optional)  Preparation:      On medium-high heat, add the vegetable oil to a large heavy pot (one that has a tight fitting lid).      When it begins to smoke slightly, add the beef and brown very well. Do in batches if necessary. Add the salt and pepper as the beef browns.      Once browned, remove the beef with a slotted spoon set aside.      Add the onions and sauté for about 5 minutes, until softened.      Reduce heat to medium-low, and add the flour and cook for 2 minutes stirring often.      Add the garlic and cook for 1 minute.      Add wine and deglaze the pan, scraping any brown bits stuck to the bottom of the pan. The flour will start to thicken the wine as it comes to a simmer.      Simmer wine for 5 minutes, and then add the broth, bay leaves, thyme, rosemary, and the beef.      Bring back to a gentle simmer, cover and cook on very low for about 1 hour.      Add potatoes, carrots, and celery, and simmer covered for another 30 minutes or until the meat and vegetables are tender. Taste and adjust seasoning.      Turn off heat and let sit for 15 minutes before serving. Garnish with the fresh parsley if desired
Mi piace ·  · Promuovi · 

Sunday 2 June 2013

spring, marks and spencer and others

this biker jacket looks better in real life than the image here, nice one at M and S

two penguin polos at get the label, must haves for spring and summer
A good chalk stripe is always the suit to heve

harris tweed from shawbost

couple a gingham shirt with the gigastore jacket below for everyday wear

if you can make stuff check out croft mills for chino material, cheap

chino from croft mills

french blue with black suede, works

la confidential. dog tooth
simple m and s cotton blazer , a must but not worn like this with terrible tie and shirt
lilac linen M and S jacket , amongst all their rubbish a winner

this idea works well

mid blue and tan works well
one of my new monti shirts that i design and make, if you respond here its 30 instead of 50

the grey chalk stripe always a must but with burgandy polka dot on white tie
get this kind of shirt if you really are a dandy mod
superb french blue from huddersfield, I love this

bass , get a pair, must haves

brilliant shirts and suits from adam london

Saturday 1 June 2013

curry with chicken and spinach

Chicken with spinach
Try this healthy curry recipe packed full of spinach goodness.


Preparation method

  1. In a food processor, blend the spinach to a purée using one or two tablespoons of water to loosen the mixture. Set aside.
  2. Heat the vegetable oil in a pan over a medium heat. Add the cardamom pods, bay leaves and cinnamon and fry for 20-30 seconds.
  3. Add the green chillies and onion and continue to fry for 4-5 minutes, or until caramelised.
  4. Meanwhile, blend the ginger, garlic and tomatoes to a smooth paste in the food processor.
  5. When the onions have caramelised, add the paste, chicken pieces and remaining spices to the pan and stir well to combine. Season, to taste, with salt and simmer for 12-15 minutes, stirring regularly.
  6. Add the yoghurt, stir well and continue to simmer the mixture until the sauce has thickened and almost dried out.
  7. Stir in the spinach purée and continue to simmer for 10-12 minutes, or until the chicken has cooked through. Season, to taste, with salt and freshly ground black pepper, then serve with rice.