Monday 18 March 2013

poem shit

Are you angry? Shall save my silence?
Have i ever been?
No but you been distant
Distant? ha that's cos I'm bitching mad
well, cos,
it sounds more serious, doesn't it.
Start sending me multiple choice, all i do is bubble in,

none of the above anyway
1. are you angry cos you suck dick too much

2. are you angry because inspiration has gone

3. are you angry because you cant pack a pair of balls in your jeans

4. are you angry because you didnt read my latest poem
I did too read your beloved poem, it was in my mailbox and on my wall remember
no, not
none of the above i just can't be online that much right now.
Are you gonna send me an ass shot now
do you want to send some nice shots
Don't disgust me!
Youve changed!
Not that i know of, i'm just older maybe 
and have less time for garbage talk.
My life and those that surround me have also changed, 

that happens you know.
Fuckin ell you used to love it
what a shame,
Maybe I just lost my sense of humor, maybe I turned into my mother after all... there's a frightening thought.
Yeh scarey
maybe I've been writing too much about death lately .

Who knows.
yeh best send.
the wishes from my deathbed
should i ever die?
Dont you wanna send anything
to save me?

All my last wishes would pile up to infinity
but after I go I'll have the death volumes in your inbox, just for you OK
are you being funny.

Spaghetti ai ricci

Spaghetti ai ricci

12 febbraio 2010

Il sito si è trasferito, venitemi a trovare su

Gli spaghetti ai ricci di mare sono un “must” a Palermo.
Non vi è ristorante che faccia cucina a base di pesce che non vi proponga “spaghetti ai ricci”.
Quello che non ho mai capito è: “Come mai i palermitani sono così ghiotti di ricci?”.
Ci sono città ed intere province della Sicilia dove non vengono neanche pescati!
Sarà che sono palermitana ma io la pasta con i ricci la adoro!
Mi piace al punto da averla inserita nel menù di Natale di quest’anno (c’è da dire che a Natale a Palermo c’erano 28° C e abbiamo preso l’aperitivo in spiaggia!).
La foto che vedete è esattamente quella.
Quello che mi piace di questa foto è che mette in risalto la vera essenza degli spaghetti ai ricci, la loro semplicità: olio, ricci, pepe ed una manciata di prezzemolo.
Sta proprio in questa semplicità la vera difficoltà di questa ricetta.
I ricci vanno aggiunti rigorosamente a crudo sul piatto eppure non devono essere “avulsi” dalla pasta.
Il segreto è quello di creare un’emulsione che prepari lo spaghetto ad “incontrarsi” con il riccio ;)
Certo, di tempo, io e Mauro, ce ne abbiamo messo prima di trovare il giusto equilibrio.
Ed oggi ho il piacere di condividere questo piccolo segreto con chi non lo conoscesse già!
Ingredienti per 2 persone:
200 gr di spaghetti o vermicelli
200 ml di ricci
pepe nero
Riempite una pentola d’acqua e quando bolle buttate la pasta e salate.
(I vermicelli che uso io hanno un tempo di cottura di 10 min circa).
In una padella antiaderente versate dell’olio e uno spicchio d’aglio intero (c’è chi lo usa a pezzetti ma secondo me l’aglio copre un po’ troppo il sapore dei ricci).
Non appena comincia a soffriggere aggiungete 1, 2 cucchiai di quell’acqua che si forma in fondo ai ricci, solo l’acqua. Abbassate la fiamma, aggiungete un po’ della schiumetta di cottura della pasta e togliete dal fuoco.
Trucco: se avete del fumetto di pesce che magari avete congelato negli appositi sacchetti, potete aggiungerne 1, 2 dosi. Devo dire che rende la pasta molto più saporita! ;)
Quando mancheranno 3 minuti alla fine della cottura della pasta, trasferitela in padella a fiamma ben vivace e finite la cottura aggiungendo l’acqua della pentola.
L’olio e l’acqua con l’amido a quella temperatura renderanno i vostri spaghetti “cremosi”.
A fine cottura, disponete gli spaghetti su dei piatti caldi.
Versateci sopra i ricci a crudo ma tiepidi (tenuti a bagnomaria in dell’acqua calda o versati in un piatto caldo), spolverate con del pepe nero appena macinato e un po’ di trito di prezzemolo.
N.B.: del prezzemolo dovete prendere solo le foglioline, i gambi sono fastidiosi per consistenza e sapore!
Io non so a voi ma a me è venuta una voglia!!!!

Sunday 17 March 2013

pasta top conchiglioni giganti

Persone: 4

Tempo: 60’

200 g di conchiglioni giganti Esselunga Top, 200 g di ricotta Esselunga, 1 ciuffo di basilico, 2 peperoni rossi, 1/2 cipolla, un pizzico di peperoncino in polvere, 2 filetti di acciuga sott’olio, brodo granulare vegetale Esselunga Bio, prezzemolo, olio extravergine d'oliva Ligure Esselunga Top, sale e pepe

1. Tagliare la cipolla a julienne e farla appassire con poco olio.Aggiungere i filetti di acciuga e i peperoni a pezzetti, rosolare per qualche minuto e bagnare con un mestolino di brodo. Cuocere a fuoco lento finché i peperoni si spappolano, unendo se occorre altro brodo. Frullare per ottenere una crema liscia e insaporire con sale e peperoncino.

2. Lavorare la ricotta con un filo d’olio, sale, pepe e le foglie del basilico tagliate a filetti. Trasferire in una tasca da pasticcere.

3. Lessare la pasta, fermare la cottura al dente in acqua fredda e farcire i conchiglioni con la ricotta, allineandoli via via su una placca foderata di carta da forno. Infornare a 90° per 10-15 minuti e servirli con la crema di peperoni calda, guarnendo a piacere con prezzemolo.


Scaldate la crema di peperoni a fuoco dolcissimo, badando che non raggiunga il bollore.


This recipe is a traditional Irish stew straight from Ireland. It is made with lamb, carrots, onions, and potatoes. Proper Irish stew is made with lamb, however, beef may be substituted if you must. Do try the variation with pearl barley for an even heartier stew.
Prep Time: 20 minutes

Cook Time: 2 hours, 15 minutes

Total Time: 2 hours, 35 minutes


2-1/2 to 3 pounds (1.35kg) lamb chops (gigot or rack chops) not less than 1 inch (2.5cm) thick
8 medium or 12 baby carrots
8 medium or 12 baby onions
8 to 12 potatoes, or more if you like
Salt and freshly ground pepper
1-1/4 to 1-1/2 pints (750 ml-900 ml/3-3/4 cups) stock (lamb stock if possible) or water
1 sprig of thyme
1 Tablespoon (1 American Tablespoon + 1 teaspoon) roux, optional - see recipe
1 Tablespoon (1 American Tablespoon + 1 teaspoon) freshly chopped parsley
1 Tablespoon (1 American Tablespoon + 1 teaspoon) freshly chopped chives
4 ounces (110g/1 stick) butter
4 ounces (110g/scant 1 cup) flour

Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/regulo 4.

Cut the lamb chops in half and trim off some of the excess fat. Set aside. Render down the fat on a gentle heat in a heavy pan (discard the rendered down pieces).

Peel the onions and scrape or thinly peel the carrots (if they are young you could leave some of the green stalk on the onion and carrot). Cut the carrots into large chunks, or if they are small leave them whole. If the onions are large, cut them into quarters through the root, if they are small they are best left whole.

Toss the meat in the hot fat on the pan until it is slightly brown. Transfer the meat into a casserole, then quickly toss the onions and carrots in the fat. Build the meat, carrots and onions up in layers in the casserole, carefully season each layer with freshly ground pepper and salt. De-glaze the pan with lamb stock and pour into the casserole. Peel the potatoes and lay them on top of the casserole, so they will steam while the stew cooks. Season the potatoes. Add a sprig of thyme, bring to the boil on top of the stove, cover with a butter wrapper or paper lid and the lid of the saucepan. Transfer to a moderate oven or allow to simmer on top of the stove until the stew is cooked, 1 to 1-1/2 hours approx, depending on whether the Irish stew is being made with lamb or hogget.

When the stew is cooked, pour off the cooking liquid, de-grease and reheat in another saucepan. Slightly thicken by whisking in a little roux if you like. Check seasoning, then add chopped parsley and chives. Pour over the meat and vegetables. Bring the stew back up to boiling point and serve from the pot or in a large pottery dish.

To make the roux, melt the butter and cook the flour in it for 2 minutes on a low heat, stirring occasionally. Use as required. Roux can be stored in a cool place and used as required or it can be made up on the spot if preferred. It will keep at least a fortnight in a refrigerator.

Irish Stew with Pearl Barley: Add 1 to 2 tablespoons pearl barley with the vegetables. Increase the stock to 2 pints (1.2L/5 cups) as the pearl barley soaks up lots of liquid.

Yield: 8 servings

Tuesday 5 March 2013



Mental hospital,the zoot suit hospital
that's exactly how i feel right now!!!
my mom died 7 years ago,died of
yummy food they said, slicked in down
sloozed it down, SMASHED IT DOWN!
My dad got very sick 8 years ago,
he's still alive,alive as in dead,dead motherfockin
walking dead, and all people once
but he's acting weird 
and sometimes i'm scared of him
in his Lon Chaney impersonations.THat he does
when life is clear and dreaded
My sister gone to another sister we never saw
years years years
that live out far down the line
and it's very far away from me.
Recently my brother also gone away,
and now i'm alone,with my dad..
. nobody's helping me,
cause sometimes i don't have food to eat!
i love you kat dahlia.thank you for expressing 
what i feel.i also dream
 to become an artist,
i'm writing music!

Sunday 3 March 2013


Vivian Woodward was born in Kennington, Surrey, on 3rd June 1879. He was the seventh of eight children born to John and Anna Woodward. Vivian's father was a successful architect and a Freeman of the City of London.
The family also owned a home in Clacton-on-Sea, a town established in 1871 to cater specifically for the wealthy upper middle classes. Vivian went to the private school, Ascham College.
An outstanding sportsman, he played cricket for the school First XI at the age of twelve. He was an even better footballer, but his father insisted he concentrated on cricket and tennis while at school.
Woodward was slightly built and opponents used dubious tactics to counteract his speed and skill. However, he soon became the star of the Ascham College team. His father eventually relented and at the age of 16 he was allowed to play centre forward for Clacton Town in the North Essex League First Division. In fact, John Woodward now became vice-president of the club. The local newspaper, the Clacton Graphic, was soon reporting that "V. J. Woodward was the back-bone and centre of attraction in the team".
Vivian Woodward became an architect like his father and resisted all attempts to become a professional footballer. However, he did agree to play on amateur terms for Tottenham Hotspur in the Southern League. At the time Spurs was considered to be one of the best teams in the country having won the 1901 FA Cup Finalagainst Sheffield United.
Woodward's work came first and on several occasions he did not play for the team for business reasons. He also missed the first few games of every season because of his commitment to the Spencer Cricket & Lawn Tennis Club.. He was one of England's best tennis players and tended to put this sport before football. When he signed for Spurs the club announced that he would play for them whenever it was "convenient for him to play."
Woodward remained an amateur throughout his football career. He came from a wealthy family and did not even claim bus or train fares or other legitimate expenses. The Tottenham & Stamford Hill Times  an article about professionalism in football soon after Woodward signed for Tottenham Hotspur: "Football is a profession is making great strides in popularity among the masses of today. A few years back professional football was only considered good enough for the poorest class, and for a man in a fair position to enter the ranks of the pro's - well, he was a fool, at least, that was the opinion of the majority of the south."
Woodward's form for Tottenham Hotspur was so good that he won his first full international cap for Englandagainst Ireland on 14th February, 1903. He scored two goals in England's 4-0 victory. The following day theTimes reported that Woodward "certainly added to the reputation he is making as a centre-forward." Another journalist described Woodward as: "The human chain of lightning, the footballer with magic in his boots."
In its next edition the Sporting Chronicle remarked: "Woodward is quite young, stands 5ft 10ins, and tips the beam at 11 stone. I should prefer him to be a little heavier, but weight will come... With a subtle craft tucked away in his toes he combines most adroit head work, and between the two he opens out the game in dazzling style. Woodward is a great initiator, the personification of unselfishness, is quick to grasp the ever-changing situation of the game, and, above all, is very cool."
The following month Woodward played for England against Wales. Woodward scored in England's 2-1 win.C. B. Fry was very impressed with Woodward's performance. He wrote: "It must be very satisfactory to the selectors to find Woodward so great a success at centre forward, especially as he is likely to improve for several years to come... It will be a surprise and a great disappointment now if he does not get his cap against Scotland."
James Catton, Britain's top football journalist at the time, thought that Woodward was a better inside-right than centre-forward: "Much was required to arouse Vivian John Woodward to resentment because his game was all art and no violence. It may be that Woodward had hard experiences in some of his matches against Scotland, while he was played in the centre, but there came a day when he was moved to inside-right, and there he was at his very best - his perfect heading and his deft passes having great effect."File:London 1908 English Amateur Football National Team.jpg
Woodward was selected for the Scotland game that took place on 4th April, 1903. Woodward beat Ted Doigin the Scotland goal after only 10 minutes but England lost the game 2-1. It had been a great start to his international career scoring four goals in his first three games. C. B. Fry and other commentators compared him to the great Gilbert Oswald Smith, who Woodward had replaced in the England team.
Frederick Wall, the president of the Football Association, thought that Woodward was a better player than Smith: "I am going to make a statement that may be considered startling, but as my opinion is honest, I am not concerned if it does not agree with the views of others. G.O. Smith and Woodward were both great players, but the Tottenham and Chelsea forward was the better. Why was he the better footballer? Woodward was the more versatile, the more consistent, and cleverer with his heading... And it should be remembered that Woodward... was faster than he looked, and that he had a neat trick of feinting, or what some call 'selling the dummy'. The most unselfish of forwards, he was a master-model of team work."File:1912 Stockholm Football Final.jpg
Although Woodward always played for England but was not always available for Tottenham Hotspur. In the 1906-07 season Woodward did not play his first game until the start of October. The Tottenham Herald reported: "After an indifferent beginning the Spurs... are perhaps the most respected team in the Southern League... The introduction of V. J. Woodward has had a most beneficial effect... He has pulled the forwards together, and the team has brightened up all round."
Woodward was only slightly built and he was often the target of some very rough tackling. This resulted him in missing a lot of games through injury. After a game against Fulham on 29th October, 1906, when Woodward took a terrible battering, newspapers called for referees and football authorities to do more to protect skillful players against the crude tactics of defenders.
As the journalist, Arthur Haig-Brown, pointed out in 1903: "It is a 1,000 pities that his lack of weight renders him a temptation which the occasionally unscrupulous half-back finds himself unable to resist." However, he went onto point out that this did not stop him scoring a lot of goals: "His record of goals both in League matches and in Internationals is a flattering one, for, all said and done, the most important duty of a centre forward is to find the net, and find it often."
Although he was only 5ft 10ins tall and weighed less than 11 stone, Woodward was considered the best header of the ball in football. Frederick Wall, the president of the Football Association, argued that in 50 years of watching football, only Sandy Turnbull and Dixie Dean could compare with Woodward in the air. As he pointed out: "Woodward was as dangerous near goal with his head as any man I have seen."
In 1906 the Football Association began organizing amateur internationals. The England team went on an international tour and in their first game they beat France 15-0 with Woodward scoring eight goals.
Woodward returned to the full-international side on 6th April 1907. The England team included Steve Bloomer, Bob Crompton, William Wedlock and Colin Veitch below but could only draw 1-1 against Scotland.
Woodward arrived late again for the start of the 1907-08 season. On 6th September, 1907, the club reported that: "V. J. Woodward will remain faithful to cricket and tennis for a little longer, and therefore will not turn out for the Spurs just yet." That year Woodward was appointed as a director of the club. Woodward played his first game on 5th October. After a slow start he began scoring goals as Tottenham Hotspur climbed up the table. Woodward scored both goals in Spurs' 2-1 victory over Millwall. The referee was unsure if the ball had crossed the line for the first goal. Woodward declared that it did and the referee accepted this claim as he said it "was well-known that Woodward would not cheat."
Normally, Woodward refused to play over Christmas. However, that year, because Tottenham Hotspur stood a good chance of winning the title, Woodward played in the game against Northampton Town on Christmas Day. Woodward scored both goals in the 2-0 win. The Tottenham Herald argued that "Woodward's value to the Spurs seems to increase with every match. On Wednesday (25th December) he was again the chief figure in the home front line, and is adding to his reputation by scoring goals, eleven in the last four matches."
Woodward was appointed captain of the England team that played Ireland on the 5th February, 1908. He scored the second goal in England's 3-1 victory. The following month he scored a hat-trick in a 7-1 win overWales. The next game was against Scotland. The England team included George Hilsdon, Bob Crompton,William Wedlock and Evelyn Lintott but could only draw 1-1.
The constant calls on Woodward's services in both full and amateur internationals meant that he missed a lot of Spurs' end of season matches, with the result that they won just four out of their last ten fixtures. Woodward went on tour with the England team in June 1908. This included a 11-1 victory over Austria, with Woodward scoring four of the goals.
Tottenham Hotspur was elected to the Second Division of the Football League in 1908. This time Woodward agreed to play for the team from the start of the season. In their first game against Wolverhampton Wanderers Woodward scored Spurs' first ever Football League goal after only six minutes. This 1-0 victory was followed by 19 more and at the end of the season Spurs finished in second place to Bolton Wanderers. Spurs had been promoted to football's First Division after just one year in the Football League.
The 1908 Olympic Games took place in London. Woodward was captain of the England team that beat Sweden (12-1) and Holland (4-0) to reach the final against Denmark. England won the gold medal by beating Denmark 2-0 on 24th October, Vivian Woodward scores with a header.
Woodward joined David Calderhead's Chelsea in 1909 Calderhead then moved into management, taking over at Lincoln City in 1900. In leading his side to a shock replayed win over Chelsea in the first round of 1906-07 FA Cup, he impressed the west London club's board enough for them to appoint him manager later that year. Norrie Fairgray made the same move in the same year to play for Calderhead at both clubs.

Calderhead was Chelsea's first full-time secretary-manager and spent almost 26 years at the club, making him the club's longest-serving manager. In his time there, the team were relegated twice, in 1909-10 and subsequently re-promoted as Second Division runners-up.

He took Chelsea to their first FA Cup final, in 1915, but in a match overshadowed by the First World War they were beaten by Sheffield United 0-3 at Old Trafford. The club later reached two more semi-finals under Calderhead and were on course for a domestic double in 1919-20 but ultimately finished 3rd in the First Division and were denied in the FA Cup by Aston Villa.and went on to play in a total of 116 games for them and scored a 34 goals. He was their leading scorer in the 1912-13 season when he scored 10 goals.Vivian Woodward: Football's Gentleman (100 Greats S.)
At the start of World War I he enlisted in the British Army and did not play many matches during the 1914-15 season but he was given special leave to join Chelsea at Old Trafford for the Cup Final when Bob Thomson was injured.However Thomson recovered and Woodward refused to play and deny Thomson his chance to play in an FA Cup final as Woodward had not played in any of the qualifying matches.
Woodward was injured later in the war and did not return to top class football
He made his England debut in 1903, scoring twice in a 4-0 defeat of Ireland. Between 1903 and 1911, he won 23 full caps and scored 29 goals, setting an English record that would last until the 1950s. He also played in three unofficial international matches against South Africa in 1910, scoring a further four goals. At the time, England only usually played three matches a season, for the British Home Championship, but two tours to central Europe in 1908 and 1909 netted Woodward 15 goals (over half his total). He held the overall England goalscoring record, either jointly or alone, for 47 years - longer than any other player. With his 28th and 29th goals, the last of his career, he overhauled Steve BloomerBloomer.JPGagainst Wales in March 1911, and was not himself overtaken until Tom Finney scored his 30th (and last) goal in October 1958.
He also turned out 44 times for England Amateurs and scored 57 goals, most of them against inferior European teams. In one match against France in 1906, Woodward scored 8 goals in a 15-0 win according to The Times and Sporting Life match reports the following day. FIFA's official record of the match credits him with 4 goals.Woodward was Great Britain captain at the 1908 and 1912 Olympic Games, both of which Great Britain won.



He joined the 17th Battalion of the Middlesex Regiment.Coat of Arms of the Middlesex Regiment.JPG This was one of the Pals battalion formed during the early stages ofWorld War I. It was known as a "Footballers Battalion" and it included many members of the Woodwards 
former team Tottenham Hotspur. He served on the western front and was wounded in 1916 He reached the rank of Captain.On 31st March, 1911, Woodward broke his arm in a game against Derby County. That year he played in only 19 out of 38 games. However, this was enough to help Chelsea finish 2nd in the league and promoted to the First Division.

The 1912 Olympic Games took place in Stockholm, Sweden. Woodward was once again captain of the England team that beat Hungary (7-0) and Finland (4-0) to reach the final against Denmark. Woodward won his second goal medal when England beat Denmark 4-2 on 4th July, 1912.
Chelsea again struggled in the First Division but with Woodward scoring 11 goals in 30 games, the club avoided relegation. The following season Chelsea finished in 8th place. Woodward, now 36 years old, was losing his pace and only scored four goals that season.
Woodward continued to play tennis and on two occasions, 1912 and 1913, reached the final of the Lawn Tennis Championship. He continued to captain the England amateur team playing his last game against Sweden on 12th June 1914. In 44 amateur internationals, Woodward scored an amazing 57 goals in 44 games.
On the outbreak of the First World War Woodward immediately joined the Territorial Army and applied for a commission in the British Army. On 9th February 1915 he was transferred to the 17th Service (Football) Battalion of the Middlesex Regiment as a second lieutenant. The Football Battalion had been founded on 12th December 1914 by William Joynson Hicks. Other members of this regiment included Walter Tull andEvelyn Lintott.

However, before he was sent to the Western Front, he still played a few games for Chelsea. That yearChelsea reached the FA Cup Final. The army agreed to release Woodward so that he could end his career at Wembley. Woodward declined the offer as he was unwilling to deprive Bob Thompson, who had been the team's regular centre-forward that season, of winning a medal. Chelsea was beaten 3-1 by Sheffield United in the final. During his time at Chelsea he had scored 34 goals in 116 games.
On 15th January 1916, the Football Battalion reached the front-line. During a two-week period in the trenches four members of the Football Battalion were killed and 33 were wounded. This included Woodward who was hit in the leg with a hand grenade. The injury to his right thigh was so serious that he was sent back to England to recover.
Woodward did not return to the Western Front until August 1916. The Football Battalion had taken heavy casualties during the Somme offensive in July. This included the death of England international footballer,Evelyn Lintott. The battle was still going on when Woodward arrived but the fighting was less intense. However, on 18th September a German attack involving poison gas killed 14 members of the battalion. woodward was hit by a grenade
Lintott came from a wealthy family and never became a professional footballer. In 1906 the Football Association began organizing amateur internationals. Lintott was selected to play at left-half. Also in the team was the great Vivian Woodward. The England team went on an international tour and in their first game they beat France 15-0 with Woodward scoring eight goals.
In 1907 Lintott joined Queens Park Rangers. He made his debut in the second home game of the season against New Brompton. Despite his amateur status, Lintott won his first full international cap on 15th February 1908 against Ireland. Also in the England team that day was Bob Crompton, George Hilsdon, George Wall, William Wedlock and Vivian Woodward. England won 3-1. Lintott kept his place in the team and also played against Wales (7-1) and Scotland (1-1). Lintott was QPR's first player to win international honours.
In December 1916 the Brigade Inter-Company Football Tournament took place. The 17th Middlesex beat 1st Kings (12-0) and 2nd South Staffs (10-0) on the way to the final against the 34th Brigade RFA. Understandably, the Football Battalion won the tournament. It is not known who played in these matches but it seems likely that Captain Woodward played a prominent part in this victory.
On 26th March 1917 Woodward was sent back to England to be trained as a physical training instructor at the Physical and Recreation Training School Headquarters at Aldershot. In early 1918 Woodward joined the First Army in France. After the Armistice Woodward because the coach of the British Army Football team. In 1919, aged 39, he captained the English Army to victory in the final of the "Inter-Theatre-of-War Championship" at Stamford Bridge. Woodward scored one of the goals in England's 3-2 victory over theFrench Army.
Vivian Woodward was eventually demobilized on 23rd May 1919 and returned to his new home at the Towers, Weeley Heath, near Clacton. Although now over forty, he still played the occasional game for Chelmsford and Clacton. On 4th March, 1920, Woodward played for Essex against Suffolk. Despite scoring a stunning goal, he could not prevent Suffolk winning 4-3. Woodward played his last game on 15th September 1920 when he turned out for Chelsea in a charity match for the families of soldiers.
Woodward also retired from his successful architectural practice in order to run a farm at Weeley Heath. He was especially proud that he had designed the main stand in the Antwerp Stadium that was used for the1924 Olympic Games. Woodward also established a diary business in Connaught Avenue, Frinton-on-Sea. Woodward kept his interest in football by serving as a director of Chelsea (1922-1930).
During the Second World War Woodward was a Air Raid Warden. In 1949 he was taken ill and entered a nursing home in Castlebar Road, Ealing. In 1953 he was visited by the journalist, Bruce Harris, who reported that Woodward was "bedridden, paralysed, infirm beyond his seventy-four years". Woodward complained that "no one who used to be with me in football has been to see me for two years".
Vivian Woodward died in the nursing home on 6th February, 1954.
1895–1901Clacton Town

1901–1909Tottenham Hotspur132(63)
1919–1920Clacton Town6(4)
National team
1906–1914England Amateurs30(44

(1) The Sporting Chronicle (25th January, 1903)

This match was worth playing if it was only to discover Vivian J.Woodward, the centre of Tottenham Hotspur, who has now developed into the centre of England. Woodward is quite young, stands 5ft 10ins, and tips the beam at 11 stone. I should prefer him to be a little heavier, but weight will come. Born in the vicinity of Kennington Oval, he learned his football at a school in Clacton-on-Sea; but his experience in club play was limited to Chelmsford, and there Spurs found this amateur treasure. His form in the North and South match was a revelation to all the northern visitors, and, as a secretary to a leading Football League club remarked, he would like to put Woodward in his bag and take him away. With a subtle craft tucked away in his toes he combines most adroit head work, and between the two he opens out the game in dazzling style. Woodward is a great initiator, the personification of unselfishness, is quick to grasp the ever-changing situation of the game, and, above all, is "very cool".

 J. A. H. Catton, The Story of Association Football (1926)

But one would never have imagined from his conduct in private life that Woodward was a sportsman - a footballer, a runner, a cricketer, and a great lover of all games as games. He refused to make a profit out of them. It was difficult to induce him to accept even legitimate expenses, which he cut down to the lowest possible figure.
He adored his mother, and it was no uncommon sight to see mother and son wending their way to a match in company. I was introduced to this courtly lady and enjoyed a little chat with her, for she evidently followed football...
Vivian Woodward was one of the most modest of men. And in judgment one of the most charitable. Only once in all the years that we often met did I hear him criticise the conduct of another man. I felt sure that this person deserved more than the mild censure passed upon him - because a harsh remark was so foreign to Woodward's nature.
He had a great contempt for men who engaged in rough play, because he was the fairest fellow who ever put a boot to a ball. Once after a certain Cup-tie he was really wrath about the way that their opponents had treated his team. It was a replayed match in Lancashire. There was a brother amateur on the other side and he apologised to Woodward for the character of the game that his club had played. Woodward did not mind the thrashing that his club had received, but he turned to me and said: "I don't call it football at all. It was brutal."
Much was required to arouse Vivian John Woodward to resentment because his game was all art and no violence. It may be that Woodward had hard experiences in some of his matches against Scotland, while he was played in the centre, but there came a day when he was moved to inside-right, and there he was at his very best - his perfect heading and his deft passes having great effect.

 C. B. Fry, statement made in (January, 1903)

It must be very satisfactory to the selectors to find Woodward so great a success at centre forward, especially as he is likely to improve for several years to come, and will thus, perhaps, provide them with another "G.O.". At present I see not much likeness between Woodward and G.O. Smith. Indeed, the fact that they are both amateurs is about the full extent of the resemblance. But Woodward is a fine player who may become a great one, and he has a style of his own which is sufficiently good in itself... He is to be heartily congratulated on his success. It will be a surprise and a great disappointment now if he does not get his cap against Scotland. Alan R. Haig-Brown, The Leading Amateurs of Season 1902-03 (1903)
Perhaps the name which was most prominent in football circles during 19O2-3 was that of Vivian Woodward. G.O. Smith had taken his well-earned laurel wreath into seclusion, and an anxious eye was being cast round for his successor. Few thought he was to be found among the ranks of amateurs until the Spurs brought to light young Woodward, and England decided that what was good enough for the London Cup-fighters was good enough for her. He is a player with a great future before him. Though built somewhat on the light side he is clever and tricky, a master of the art of passing. It is a 1,000 pities that his lack of weight renders him a temptation which the occasionally unscrupulous half-back finds himself unable to resist. His record of goals both in League matches and in Internationals is a flattering one, for, all said and done, the most important duty of a centre forward is to find the net, and find it often.

 Frederick Wall, 50 Years of Football (1935)

I am going to make a statement that may be considered startling, but as my opinion is honest, I am not concerned if it does not agree with the views of others. G.O. Smith and Woodward were both great players, but the Tottenham and Chelsea forward was the better. Why was he the better footballer? Woodward was the more versatile, the more consistent, and cleverer with his heading.
Woodward, who was an architect and surveyor, was a strong-looking young man of twenty-three when he came out with Tottenham Hotspurs. Very nearly 5 ft. 11 in., he weighed at that time 11 st. I rather fear that the strenuous game he played took a lot of vitality out of him. Strenuous is used in the sense of sapping his own strength rather than in applying it outwardly to his opponents.
Force was never his motto. A man who had perfect control of the ball with either foot, he was a wonderful judge of the moment to make the pass to a chum who would foresee where Woodward would next be for the return pass. His adroitness with either the inside or outside of his foot was only equalled by the accuracy of his heading.
With the exception of Alec Turnbull ("Sandy"), of Manchester, and Dean, of Everton, in these latter days, Woodward was as dangerous near goal with his head as any man I have seen. And it should be remembered that Woodward - they called him "Jack" - was faster than he looked, and that he had a neat trick of feinting, or what some call "selling the dummy." The most unselfish of forwards, he was a master-model of team work. He must have scored hundreds of goals.
In the 23 matches of this South African tour in 1910, he was the chief scorer with 32 goals, but there were others who distinguished themselves.
Now let me say that Woodward was soft-spoken, courteous, modest; he never talked about his football, and seldom discussed that of his mates. If he could not speak well of a man he preferred silence. He was devoted to his mother, whom he often took to matches, and did not leave her until she was comfortably seated.
In many respects he was a man who stood alone, combining unsuspected strength of mind and body with a suavity of manner. His personality and play left an abiding impression on the football of South Africa, and there have been not a few who have talked about the seed that was sown by Woodward. The boys, especially those at school, watched him closely.
The harvest was gathered some fourteen years after, in 1924, when South Africa sent a team of amateurs to England. Well they played, for our elevens, representing the strength of English amateurism, could only win the international contests at Southampton and Tottenham by 3-2. I am not so sure that the F.A. side ought to have won at Tottenham. A draw would have more justly reflected the merits of the teams.
Woodward was never a man who lived out of the game. He lived for the game, although he also played cricket. The Football Association found it difficult to get a bill of expenses from him. When the European war broke out he was one of the first to join the Football Battalion of the 17th Middlesex. He was, too, one of the first casualties, but he survived, attained the rank of major, and afterwards devoted himself to farming in Essex, a county that he knew well in his early days.

 The Times (23rd March, 1907)

The England selection committee have not yet succeeded in finding a satisfactory set of forwards, the want of a really competent centre forward being the great difficulty. There is always V.J. Woodward to fall back upon; but there is no denying that he has lost a little of his pace, and is more easily knocked off the ball than was the case last year - as a result, it may well be, of the drastic treatment which has been meted out to him by unscrupulous defenders in the rough-and-tumble of Southern League football.

Chelsea programme (27th November, 1909)

We have had so much bad luck of late that, when a genuine piece of the right stuff comes along, we may be pardoned for sitting down and making a proper meal of it. The Bradford result was about the climax of trouble and, we had just got out our miserable looks and our "humpy" speeches when suddenly something occurred to lift us out of the doldrums. There was many a glad smile round the regions of Stamford Bridge when it was announced that Vivian J. Woodward had thrown in his lot with the Chelsea Club.
Possibly Chelsea never have had such a slice of luck. I should say that without a doubt Vivian Woodward is the most popular man in football today. Popular with players, Popular with the spectators wherever and whenever he plays, he owes his unique position chiefly to one thing. First, foremost, and all the time he is a gentleman. He may play well or he may play moderately (he never plays badly), but no matter how he plays his very presence in a team is ever a great factor Of success. He inspires his men with his unflagging energy. He inspires a confidence in them as no other player could ever do. I do not think that there is any doubt that Vivian Woodward was mainly responsible for Tottenham Hotspur's sensational rise to the First Division.

 The Sporting Chronicle (30th November, 1909)

The most cheering news we have had during our time of desolation is the intimation that Vivian John Woodward is going to assist Chelsea. Had the great Vivian been a professional player his transfer fee, I fancy, would have been something near a record one. Instead Woodward comes to us for love, and we may take it that he is already the idol of Stamford Bridge. Vivian Woodward always has been and ever will be the people's favourite. Small wonder. Great as he is as a player, his first claim to popularity lies in the fact that he has ever been first and foremost a gentleman. I question if any footballer has ever been so universally popular, and he carries his honours with the air of a bashful debutant. Honours have been showered upon him, and never has he been known, either on or off the field, to belie his title of the perfect gentleman. East Essex Gazette (February, 1954)
A supreme soccer artist, Woodward fascinated crowds with his magnificent ball control. His biggest personal triumph in Essex was when he beat Harwich & Parkeston "off his own bat", while playing for Chelmsford at Colchester in the Essex Senior Cup. That day he scored three goals, and had a hand in the fourth, Harwich losing, 4-1.
An amateur through and through, Woodward had only one word for the modern soar in transfer fees. "Shocking!" was his comment. That was a remark which those who knew him would expect him to make.
Woodward was considered to be the finest centre forward ever to play for England. Which, when it is considered that he succeeded the great G.O. Smith - is remarkable.

 Charlie Buchan, A Lifetime in Football (1955)

On our side at inside-left was the immaculate amateur Vivian J. Woodward. It was the first time I had figured in the same team with this great sportsman and brilliant player.
Woodward, rather frailly built though above average height, could play anywhere in the three inside-forward positions. He was the perfect example of a "two-footed" player.
Rarely have I seen another forward do so much with so little apparent effort. He made the ball do the work, opening up the play and finding his colleagues with beautifully-timed passes.He seemed to stroll through the game yet was seldom out of position. He did his best to make the game easy for those who were playing around him. I could not tell, really, if he were fast or not. He seemed to have no concern with speed.

 Norman Jacobs, Vivian Woodward: Football's Gentleman (2005)

With the coming of the depression at the end of the 1920s and into the 1930s, life proved to be a bit more difficult for him but he battled through without complaining - as was his nature - and when the Second World War broke out, he once again answered his country's call by becoming an APP warden.
Towards the end of 1949, Woodward became very ill, suffering from nervous exhaustion. He was no longer able to carry on farming or running his business and he was moved into a nursing home in Castlebar Road, Ealing, Middlesex, under the care of a committee set up by the Football Association. As if it wasn't bad enough that he was suffering from nervous exhaustion and stuck in a nursing home, he had a very unfortunate experience in 1950, when Andrew Ralston,a divisional representative of the council of the Football Association, died suddenly at his bedside while visiting him.
Some time after this, in 1953, he was visited by sports journalist and writer, Bruce Harris. He had been told that Woodward was in the nursing home by Mr J.R. Baxter, a former member of the Footballers' Regiment who had served under Captain Woodward and was now a London Transport bus driver. Together the two men went to see Mr Baxter's former commanding officer. The following is Harris's account of the visit:
"We found Woodward bedridden, paralysed, infirm beyond his seventy-four years, well looked after materially. The Football Association and his two former clubs are good to him; relatives visit him often. "But", he told me in halting speech, "no one who used to be with me in football has been to see me for two years. They never come - I wish they would."The FA sent along a television set. It is little use to him, I fear, in his weak health. He gets more from the sound radio at the bedside. He has trouble in reading but can listen now and then. Woodward's heyday as a footballer fell between the century's opening and the 1914-18 war. Then lie joined up in the Middlesex Regiment, which according to Mr Baxter had "internationals in every platoon". Woodward, wounded in France, took to farming in Essex after the war, was hit by the depression, failed in health and now, in the twilight of his life lacks the company of his own sporting kind in a room lie cannot leave.) Evening News (February, 1954)
Vivian J. Woodward, one of the greatest centre forwards England ever had, died last night, aged seventy-four, at a nursing home at Ealing. He had been ill for four years.
Woodward had a most illustrious career. He was a director of Tottenham Hotspur as well as their centre forward. He was also a director of Chelsea during the time he played for that club.
For many years he was England's centre forward or inside right and, including his amateur and Olympic Games honours, played for England more often than any other player.
He was an out-and-out amateur. Directors of the Spurs and Chelsea have told me they could not get him to charge his bus fares for matches.
He played entirely for his love of the game, and under a code which nowadays would be thought not to belong to this world. 

The Times (February, 1954)
Mr Vivian Woodward was to many of my generation the greatest footballer they ever saw, and the living embodiment of the finest spirit of the game. His brilliant play and his outstanding leadership of the victorious British team in the Olympic Games at Stockholm in 1912 will never be forgotten by those who were there; he did much to form the splendid tradition of clean play and sportsmanship which has endured in the Olympic competition ever 

January 1th  Tottenham Hotspur  H   W 2-0 Cameron, Aitkenhead  15,000
 January 8th  Newcastle United  A     L 1-4 Cameron                  35,000
January 22th Liverpool           H       D 1-1 Garbut                      15,000
January 29th Aston Villa         A       L 3-4 Crompton, Cameron    20,000
Who are the leaders of the First Division?  Some claim that Sheffield United are at the head of affairs because their goal average is a fraction better than that of the Rovers, but others contend that the Blackburn side lead because they have played a match less than the United.  For my part, the Rovers are credited with the leadership.  It was always thought that the Rovers, undefeated at home, would prove too strong for Tottenham Hotspur at Ewood Park on New Year’s Day.  The optimists were right, for a victory by two clear goals was gained; but, looking back on the match, one must express surprise at the form of the exhibition by the Spurs.  Their play was not in keeping with their position perilously near to the bottom of the League.  They were indeed, a surprise packet, and so well did they perform that they gave their opponents a close run for the honours.  It is no exaggeration to say they had quite as much of the play as the home team.  On the heavy ground both teams favoured wide distribution.  Where the difference came in however, was that the Blue and Whites, having established their position of vantage, shot with all the force they could command.  The Spurs, on the other hand, adopted the suicidal policy of trying to dribble the ball into the net instead of shooting from excellent positions.  Twice Ashcroft actually gathered the ball from the feet of Humphreys and Minter.  Had the Spurs only accepted their chances or only shown reasonable marksmanship when well placed, it is quite on the cards, strongly as the Rovers played that they would have shared the points.  That an eleven in their critical position should adopt such tactics, especially when they proved they should shoot, passes comprehension.  The Rovers, having taught Tottenham a severe lesson, it is hoped it will not be the last of Lost in France: The Remarkable Life and Death of Leigh Richmond Roose, Football's First Play Boythem.Olympic Games Football 1900-2012Twenty months after the first international rugby match between the two countries, the Auld Enemy met for the first official association football international match. Like its rugby counterpart, the match was played in Scotland on a cricket ground. Whilst the rugby match had taken place in the east, football looked to the west, and Hamilton Crescent, the West of Scotland Cricket Ground, was selected as the venue.
Prior to the first official meeting, there had been several unofficial international matches played between the countries at the behest of the English Football Association. Such was their enthusiasm for these fixtures they arranged the venue, the officials, the selection of the English side and, incredibly, the selection of the Scottish side. For these matches, the "Scotland" team was assembled from players in and around London who had Scottish connections.
In 1872 League Championships had yet to begin in either country. The FA Cup tournament had completed its inaugural running in England and the Scottish competition would start the following year. For the match on 30 November 1872, St Andrew's Day, the Scotland players were all selected from Queen's Park, the leading Scottish Club of its day. This was not the original intention but the Scots were unable to obtain the services of two countrymen who had competed in the FA Cup final. Arthur F Kinnaird of the Wanderers and Lt Henry Waugh Renny-Tailyour of the Royal Engineers would have to wait until 1873 to play for their country.
While Scotland was eventually represented by eleven men drawn from the Queen's Park club, England played the match with players from nine different sources selected by Charles Alcock the English Football Association Secretary and captain of the FA Cup winning Wanderers. Alcock, who was the driving force behind the unofficial matches, was unable to play in the first official meeting due to injury but he participated by running the line.
Three England players came from Oxford University but only Reginald Welch played from the successful Wanderers side. Scotland wore dark blue shirts, the then colour of Queen's Park, with a single lion crest badge attached. England, in white, had the badge of the three lions on their shirts.

The crowd who gathered to watch the match numbered 4,000 and they paid an entry fee of a shilling, the same price charged by the English Football Association for the first FA Cup final. They endured a twenty-minute delay to the scheduled 2pm kick-off but then settled to watch the contest in the relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere that would accompany the fixture for over one hundred years before the wrong shade of partisan behaviour started to creep in during the 1970s.
I travelled to the British Newspaper library in Colindale yesterday and one of my first tasks was to read the match report in The Sporstmannewspaper of the very first England amateur international, played at The Parc de Princes, Paris on 1 November 1906.
On a wet day, the final score ended up 15-0 to England, a staggering mis-match. England were six-nil up at half-time. For the record, Stanley Harris scored seven goals, Vivian Woodward netting four, with Day (2), Raine and Farnfield completing the scoring. There will be more about the Farnfield brothers later this week.
Before a crowd of 3000, the following teams lined up as follows:

France: Baton (Olympique Lillois); Moigneu (Union Sportive Tourquenoise); Canelle (Racing Club Fran ois); L. Schubert (Olympique Lillois); Allemane (Racing Club Fran ois); Wilkes (Harve Sports); Verbrugge (Association Sportive Fran ois); Cypress (Club Athletic Parisien); Francois (Racing Club de Roubaix); Royet (Union Sportive de Paris); Sartorius (Racing Club de Roubaix).

England: E. Proud (South Bank); F.H. Milnes (Sheffield); H. Smith (Reading); C.D. McIver (Old Foresters); P. H. Farnfield (New Crusaders); R.M. Hawkes (Luton Town); J.E. Raine (Newcastle United); S.H. Day (Old Malvernians); V.J. Woodward (Tottenham Hotspur); S.S. Harris (Old Westminsters); H.P. Hardman (Everton).
Referee: M Guillan (Belgium).
One point The Sportsman’s journalist noted was that the kick off was delayed due to photographs of boths teams being taken. Do you know someone that has a copy. Please contact me if you do.