Tuesday 27 December 2011

buy it

Barbour Mens Neander International Jacket - Black | Cardinal Tartan
Barbour Mens Neander International Jacket - Black | Cardinal Tartan
Barbour Mens Neander International Jacket - Black | Cardinal TartanBarbour Mens Neander International Jacket - Rustic | Muted TartanBarbour Mens Neander International Jacket - Black | Cardinal Tartan

british warm

The British Warm OvercoatThe main characteristic of this overcoat was its heavy taupe Melton cloth. The name derives from the small town of Melton Mowbray, in Leicestershire, England which is locally known simply as Melton. The cloth, which was first mentioned in 1823, is a tightly-woven woolen fabric that is heavy milled and weighs at least 34 oz. It has a short, raised nap which provides it with a fleece like, non-lustrous texture. In 1914, the Scottish company Crombie switched to war-time production and manufactured about 10% of all greatcoats for British officers. At that time, the term British Warm was born, and to this day, the heavy Melton fabric is often referred to as Crombie Fleece a classic gentlemans coat.  Based on the original greatcoats first used by officers in WW1 & WW2.
The British warm is distinguished by the fabric & styling: a heavy, taupe coloured, slightly fleecy melton cloth. The name comes from Melton Mowbray, a town in Leicestershire, England, where this thick, tightly woven, napped cloth was first woven for riding and hunting garments.
The civilian model of the coat usually has leather knot buttons as apposed to the original metal regimental buttons. British Warm Overcoat Melton Crombie

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Tired and boring brands and firms

One of my favourite firms is warrior, one reason for this is that they stick to a premise, that of creating working class clothes for working class people, they are a bit pedestrian but you can see they are moving towards something better all the time, what they do is on a small scale but better than stuff like One true Saxon or All Saints in the sense that they have a target. These two firms always amaze me , firstly with amazingly high prices and secondly with not much vision or freshness. Another is Lambretta who seem like a Marks and Spencers from the sixties done badly.I think a lot of the ideas drummed up by some firms are amazingly depressing in comparison to what could be done. On a bigger scale is Marks and Spencers who (the black over coat addresses the balance a bit but WHY do it in black!!!!)have totally missed the boat as to being the store where you can buy sharp traditional British tailoring.Basically everything looks the same from one year to the next. Only Next stores are more depressing than Marks and spencer ones, oh sorry forgot Burtons.Since TAKE SIX went away nothing has replaced them, in their heyday of the 70's they were the best around with great prices, pity someone doesnt bring that concept back but the real problem is people don't dress up anymore even minimally and the British don't like soap so how could they like fresh clothes?things like this covert from paul costelloe, you won't sniff anything like this in marks and spencer and thats a shame because they could easily do this stuff and things like it.Faux Fur Trapper HatHat on the left from Marks MAGIC!!!!!!! ugh Losing the sartorial plot is not just Marks and Spencers domain, consider John Lewis mens department , its like a trip into some depressing kind of anonymity as regards clothes. Only the odd gemds here and there but most of the stuff is beyond discreet just boring. The Covert above is one brilliant piece they had on offer plus a couple of pasirs of shoes on offer but not your size mate unless you are twinkle toes. Who buys all this stuff? No idea but you certainly don't see it on London streets because on London streets its overewashed t.shirts and hoodie shit plus underwashed jeans and who said everyone can wear jeans, they are the hardest thing to look good in but no one has understood that yet.Ben Sherman lost the plot in about 69 when they started doing poly-cotton after their brilliant opening with superb oxford cotton button downs, the one above is a result of a firm getting greedy, big money for something called cotton rich!!!!!.Eaton Button Down Collar Shirt Another is Gabicci , tell me why you would ever try and sell the followingZip thru plain sweat shirt - Stoneand this poloStripy jersey shirt- Tealbe honest you gotta be something wrong with you if you think this looks good but its on their new website so I suppose that theres someone out there that would wear this , I suppose.

Monday 19 December 2011

joint pain

Glucosamine Sulphate 2 KCl is a small aminosaccharide that supports the metabolism of the cartilage.
It is an important building element for our Chondrocytes (= cartilage cells).
Glucosamine also supports the maintenance of cartilage and synovial fluid.
Glucosamine additionally inhibits the production of certain enzymes that can harm the cartilage.Finitro Forte Plus

Chondroitin sulfate is a complex glycosaminoglycan that is present in the articular cartilage and
which  has a great contribution to the water binding capacity of the cartilage.
This molecule supports the shock absorbing capacity of the cartilage.
Just like Glucosamine, Chondroitin sulphate inhibits the production of certain enzymes that are harmful to the cartilage.

Harpagophytum procumbens also known as Devil's claw is a herb with a powerful soothing effect on joint ailments.

Boswellia serrata is a natural extract obtained from the resin of the Boswellia serrata tree,
also called incense tree with a very soothing effect on stiff joints.

Phellodendron amurense Rupr. is a natural extract obtained from a Chinese cork tree with a powerful soothing effect.

Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is a natural sulfur compound in the body and has a soothing
effect on sore muscles and stiff joints. The body’s own production decreases with increasing age.

Omega-3 fatty acids not only reduce the risk of heart disease but also improve the cholesterol
and relieve inflammation in joints.

Type II Collagen is the main protein of cartilage and is responsible for the strength and elasticity of the cartilage.

Hyaluronic acid is the main component of synovial fluid and works as a lubricant by all joint movements.

DL-α-tocopherol (Vit E) plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy cells including our cartilage cells.
It is a strong antioxidant that gives more energy and creates a general strengthening feeling.

Urtica Dioica, also known as large nettle or is a plant known to contain components that inhibit any
formation of harmful enzymes i.a. in the cartilage.

Saturday 17 December 2011


  • 1 (.25 ounce) package active dry yeast
  • 1 cup warm water (110 degrees F/45 degrees C)
  • 1/4 cup white sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 cup nonfat plain yogurt
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 tablespoon grated lemon zest
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 4 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 cup dried currants
  • 1/4 cup raisins
  • 1 tablespoon confectioners' sugar
  • 1 tablespoon butter, melted (optional)


  1. In a medium bowl, combine yeast, water and sugar. Cover and let stand 10 minutes, or until foamy. Add eggs, yogurt, vanilla, lemon zest, and salt. Mix well. Stir in flour 1/2 cup at a time until dough forms into a manageable ball. Turn out onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 5 to 10 minutes, adding flour as necessary, until dough is soft and pliable, but not sticky. (May need up to 5 cups flour.) Place dough in a large, lightly pan-sprayed bowl, cover, and let rise in a warm place until doubled, about 1 hour.
  2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) and spray a round 8-inch cake pan with non-stick spray. In a small bowl, toss dried fruit with confectioners' sugar. Punch down dough in bowl, transfer to floured surface, and knead in the fruit.
  3. Form dough into a ball, place in prepared cake pan, cover loosely with dish towel, and let rise 30 minutes. (Loaf will rise above the pan sides.) Brush with melted butter, if desired. Bake for 45 minutes, or until loaf is golden brown and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Makes 10 wedges.
  4. italian one

  5. Per rendere il giusto onore alla tradizione culinaria natalizia, dopo la ricetta del pandoro fatto in casa, vi presentiamo anche quella del panettone tradizionale tutto casalingo.
    Certo, non è una cosa facile e magari dovrete metterci un po’ di pazienza, ma possiamo assicurarvi che il risultato sarà ottimo e soddisferà adeguatamente i vostri ospiti.
    Difficoltà – Difficile
    Preparazione – 1 giorno
    Cottura – 50 minuti
    • 800 g di farina
    • 15 g di lievito
    • 150 g di burro
    • 2 uova
    • 4 albumi
    • 450 g di zucchero
    • 80 g di canditi
    • 50 g di uvetta
    • 30 g di zucchero vanigliato
    • 60 ml di latte
    • Un pizzico di sale
    Il primo giorno, riscaldate il latte, ed una volta intiepidito, sciogliete in una ciotola un quarto della farina con il lievito. Lavorate l’impasto e dategli una forma a tondeggiante, prima di coprirlo con un tovagliolo e lasciarlo lievitare per tutta la notte.
    Il giorno successivo, tornate a lavorare l’impasto su di una spianatoia in legno, aiutandovi con qualche goccia di acqua tiepida e circa 100 g di farina.
    Lasciate quindi riposare nuovamente per circa 2 ore.

    Foto Fantasia di Panettone

    Ritete ancora l’operazione, aggiungendo altri 100 g di farina e lasciando nuovamente riposare per un paio d’ore. Nel mentre, fate rinvenire l’uva passa in una ciotola con acqua tipeida per circa 20 minuti.
    Sciogliete il burro a bagno maria, tenendone da parte una noce che servirà poi per imburrare la tortiera. Lasciate anche sciogliere in acqua tiepida il sale e lo zucchero, aggiungendovi poi le uova intere e gli albumi, mescolando lontano dalla fiamma.
    Riprendete quindi l’impasto e tornate a lavorarlo, aggiungendo la farina rimasta, il burro fuso e il miscuglio fatto con l’acqua tiepida e le uova. Lavorate sempre con le mani ben calde e verso la fine dell’impasto, quando lo vederte ben amalgamato ed elastico, aggiungete l’uvetta passa, dopo averla passata velocemente nella farina, ed i canditi.
    Imburrate una tortiera che sia stretta ed alta, metteteci dentro l’impasto e lasciatelo lievitare per circa 3 ore.
    Preriscaldate il forno a 180° e metteteci dentro la tortiera con il panettone, lasciandola quocere per circa 45 – 50 minuti.
    Una volta ben colorito, toglietelo dal forno e lasciatelo raffreddare a testa in giù, così da evitare che l’uvetta ed i canditi si depositino sul fondo.
    Una volta raffreddato potete servirlo ai vostri ospiti.

Friday 16 December 2011



patti smith


Some people are attracted to women; some are attracted to men. And some, if Sigmund Freud, Dr. Alfred Kinsey and millions of self-described bisexuals are to be believed, are drawn to both sexes


But a new study casts doubt on whether true bisexuality exists, at least in men.
The study, by a team of psychologists in Chicago and Toronto, lends support to those who have long been skeptical that bisexuality is a distinct and stable sexual orientation.
People who claim bisexuality, according to these critics, are usually homosexual, but are ambivalent about their homosexuality or simply closeted. "You're either gay, straight or lying," as some gay men have put it.
In the new study, a team of psychologists directly measured genital arousal patterns in response to images of men and women. The psychologists found that men who identified themselves as bisexual were in fact exclusively aroused by either one sex or the other, usually by other men.
The study is the largest of several small reports suggesting that the estimated 1.7 percent of men who identify themselves as bisexual show physical attraction patterns that differ substantially from their professed desires.
"Research on sexual orientation has been based almost entirely on self-reports, and this is one of the few good studies using physiological measures," said Dr. Lisa Diamond, an associate professor of psychology and gender identity at the University of Utah, who was not involved in the study.
The discrepancy between what is happening in people's minds and what is going on in their bodies, she said, presents a puzzle "that the field now has to crack, and it raises this question about what we mean when we talk about desire."
"We have assumed that everyone means the same thing," she added, "but here we have evidence that that is not the case."
Several other researchers who have seen the study, scheduled to be published in the journal Psychological Science, said it would need to be repeated with larger numbers of bisexual men before clear conclusions could be drawn.
Bisexual desires are sometimes transient and they are still poorly understood. Men and women also appear to differ in the frequency of bisexual attractions. "The last thing you want," said Dr. Randall Sell, an assistant professor of clinical socio-medical sciences at Columbia University, "is for some therapists to see this study and start telling bisexual people that they're wrong, that they're really on their way to homosexuality."
He added, "We don't know nearly enough about sexual orientation and identity" to jump to these conclusions.
In the experiment, psychologists at Northwestern University and the Center for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto used advertisements in gay and alternative newspapers to recruit 101 young adult men. Thirty-three of the men identified themselves as bisexual, 30 as straight and 38 as homosexual.
The researchers asked the men about their sexual desires and rated them on a scale from 0 to 6 on sexual orientation, with 0 to 1 indicating heterosexuality, and 5 to 6 indicating homosexuality. Bisexuality was measured by scores in the middle range.
Seated alone in a laboratory room, the men then watched a series of erotic movies, some involving only women, others involving only men.
Using a sensor to monitor sexual arousal, the researchers found what they expected: gay men showed arousal to images of men and little arousal to images of women, and heterosexual men showed arousal to women but not to men.
But the men in the study who described themselves as bisexual did not have patterns of arousal that were consistent with their stated attraction to men and to women. Instead, about three-quarters of the group had arousal patterns identical to those of gay men; the rest were indistinguishable from heterosexuals.
"Regardless of whether the men were gay, straight or bisexual, they showed about four times more arousal" to one sex or the other, said Gerulf Rieger, a graduate psychology student at Northwestern and the study's lead author.
Although about a third of the men in each group showed no significant arousal watching the movies, their lack of response did not change the overall findings, Mr. Rieger said

Monday 12 December 2011

plastic shoes plastic people

ever wondered why you see nearly everyone in crap nikes or puma or crap seemingly foot problem shoes like they sell in the foot problem shops, well the answer is they are most likely dirty.

best camera of the year

The best camera of 2011 doesn't have an interchangeable lens, a tilting screen or even a particularly high resolution. What the IXUS 230HS does have is Canon's high-sensitivity HS system. This consistently shot well balanced exposures and vibrant colours in all lighting conditions throughout our tests. It's small enough to slip into a pocket, with buttons moved onto one end of the body rather than the back plate.
It comes with a 12.1-megapixel sensor and 8x zoom. We were bowled over by the results, with super-accurate focusing, skilful sensor noise control and excellent video performance pushing it to the top of our chart. At the time of our review, we recommended holding out until the price fell below £200. Well, your patience has paid off, as it's now retailing in some outlets at around £180. Go buy.

best portable computer of the year

Asus Zenbook UX21

The ultrabook is a new genre encompassing laptops that are exceedingly slim, yet which still pack a meaty punch of power. The Asus Zenbook UX21 delivers on this dream perfectly. At its thickest point, the body measures only 17mm, which tapers down to a micro 3mm that's so sharp, you're in danger of cutting your eye just by looking at it. You also get an Intel Core i5 processor with 4GB of RAM, which helps it give a blistering performance with all kinds of computing tasks.
Low power, high-speed components allow it to achieve a near-instant resume-from-sleep time. It can also remain in sleep mode for several weeks. The Zenbook UX21 is arguably the ultimate combination of power, portability and price that most certainly deserves your money. Don't keep it waiting.

best phone of the year by far

 Samsung Galaxy S2 (£400)

With a massive 4.3-inch Super AMOLED Plus screen, dual-core processor and an excellent camera, the Samsung Galaxy S2 was the phone to beat in 2011. Despite the best efforts of rival Android manufacturers -- and Apple, of course -- Samsung's phone remains the best blower that money can buy.Samsung Galaxy S2
It has it all -- super-fast performance, a great screen, a wonderful camera (with 1080p resolution video recording), plenty of internal storage and an ultra-thin case design. And while the Nexus offers tasty Ice Cream Sandwich, the S2 will soon be updated. It's hard to see any phone topping this phenomenal effort until the Galaxy S3 is released in 2012.





Sunday 11 December 2011

plastic coats plastic people

Going to the craftsmen fair in Rho Milan yesterday there was a sea of Italians all dressed in their fav designer, who? The Chinese. And they look shite. Thousands of people coming and going dressed by Supermarkets, market stalls and the like and all plastic shite and all chinese, some call it poly something but me well I call it plastic. I never buy Chinese knowingly because we (above Crombie)should only buy their goods when their people have rights.Apart from that its crap and apart from that why support western capitalists in their search on greed.There are some blogs about style and clothes that keep on about how smart the Italians are, well dont believe itYesterday in Rho they looked to a man terrible..celebrity long coats for men - david beckham fall fashion style The idea of a good wardrobe is to avoid cheapo cheapos and have a few good pieces in your wardrobe that you add to each year with a good purchase.The Jaegar 200 pound trench above is a brilliant trad trench that immediately sets you apart from plastic coat.
below is a 795 pound coat from crombie, the price is over the top but if you have the money its not a bad buy and top qualityCrombie Outerweartheres nothing more boring than the plastic coat people but some of them have plastic coats that actually cost a great deal of money, for instance faye and north sails. The North sails plastic coats are like Marks and spencers 80's handicapped coats for the aged that have North Sails stamped on and yeah you are supposed to be looking at a fashion ikon.These are maybe the worst of the expensive plastic coats.Faye is worn by Milan business people over suits and costs a ton but was more likely made for 3 bob.City GentThis 795 pound jaegar coat is another very stylish item from the company if a bit overpriced.01 Warrior 3/4 Overcoat with Classic Red Liningthe warrior crombie is on sale from warrior clothing at 100 notes circa and is a good decent coat that for sure will look better than your plastic zip up.
a store always worth considering is charles tywhitt, this covert is on the 200 pound mark and thats cheap. save up a bit for a couple of months and its yours. And its also a coat to be excited about because you'll look the bizz. The word is Sharp not discreet, the weord is sharp not laid back, the word is sharp not flash.if you are looking for a more victorian look but elegant then one like this is not a bad idea.wool and cashmere Gianluca Isaia overcoat from STP but lose the white jumper thats shite.this chalkstripe is not great but better than most on the street but you could go for a check again from Tywhitthere .the only plastic coats I like are Alpha industries, the ma1, thats a great jacket for walking around and going in dodgy pubs where you-ll be recgonised as a geezer but I-ve got the rarest MA1 of all the Made in Usa Silver, its maybe the only one in London made in USA.Paul Smith London | Camel Soft Moleskin Epsom Coat by Paul Smith LondonI dont like Paul Smith much and never shop there really , once I was intent on buying their red oxblood suedes but to be honest they looked cheap. This classic overcoat though might be a good buy, its 500 quid.
That tired old brand M and S who still think their target is boozy stout office men from Moorgate does have now and again good stuff.They fall victim to latching onto a fashion idea years after it starts to go. This time short overcoats just as Armani has started to do ankle length.theyMarks and Spencer | Collezione Pure Cashmere Single Breasted 3 Button Coat are doing this 100 per cent cashmere one that would have been better longer.Another pet hate shop of mine is Hackett. I hate M and S because of the obvious mistakes they make in nearly everything they sell, its like their target is not just what I said above but add discreetly boring and you got the idea.But I hate Hackett because of their shop staff snobs.Charles Tywhitt are always nice even if you walk in with a t.shirt and jeans but Hackett no.Especially their shop in Piccadilly.thias covert coat is nearly twice Tywhitts one but no difference reallyand the crombie here is more than double tywhitts but no difference that stands out and if there is no one would know so why buy hackett.I don-t.
Another company that is worth looking into is Barbour, this is if you want somthing cooooooool that goes Barbour Mens Neander International Jacket - Black | Cardinal Tartanwith anything underneath above is the neander 200 notes.This kind of goes against what i-m saying in this article but these jackets are not plastic ones, this one, to me, the best, is linen that has been waxed,check it out.
