Friday 28 September 2012

riviera look plus return of paninari

In the wake of Anthony Minghella’s unexpected death, we thought we might take a look at the sartorial legacy his short body of work has left. His longtime collaboration with costume designer Ann RothAnn Roth Picture—beginning with *The English Patient*—cast a long shadow over his short body of work. His movies had a real sense of style, remarkable for both its faithfulness to the period and its emotional effect.
Anthony Minghella was born in 1954, and grew up on the Isle of Wight, off the southern coast of England, where his parents, immigrants from southern Italy, ran an ice cream factory.
An outsider even in his native land, Mr. Minghella was more than willing to take on large historical issues in his work, such as the human consequences of epic warfare in “Cold Mountain,” about a soldier’s journey across a Civil War landscape. Closer to home, his film “Breaking and Entering” examined the interlocking lives of thieves and their victims in contemporary London, where immigrants are less assimilated than tolerated.
“But while we share the geographical space, we don’t share much else,” he said to The New York Times in 2006. “We’re not particularly well integrated. One of the curiosities can be the differences, rather than the similarities, between people walking down the street — differences in expectation and privilege, in wealth and opportunity. It’s not tension or aggression, but a kind of guarded indifference. We coexist rather than create communities.”
delicious junctionwhite-clothes-5.jpgwhite-clothes-7.jpg
Pair similar but not identical hues (like pale blues and grays) or go full contrast with dark denim.
On Jackson, left: Three-button cotton jacket ($570) and cotton trousers ($230) by C. P. Company; cotton shirt ($89) by Gant; leather shoes ($1,395) by J. Lobb.
On Elstein, right: Two-button cotton jacket ($2,690) and cotton vest ($490) by Bottega Veneta; cotton shirt ($65) by J.Crew; cotton jeans ($160) by Diesel; leather boots ($250) by Bally.

On Akiva Elstein, twenty-eight, restaurateur, Employees Only: Two-button cotton jacket ($615) by Calvin Klein Collection; cotton vest ($305) by Paul Smith; cotton shirt ($165) by Gant, exclusively for Jeffrey’s; silk tie ($125) by John below delicious junction


AMERICANINO storico marchio degli anni 80 che ha segnato la moda giovanile. Era in ottima compagnia, Moncler, Best Company, El Charro, Timberland. Alcuni di questi brand non hanno perso il loro smalto, altri sono stati ricollocati altri ancora, abbandonati.

Il marchio AMERICANINO è stato ripreso da una nota azienda Toscana e riportato in scena con gusto e un eccellente rapporto qualità prezzo.

La Beltrone Moda seleziona tra i vari articoli presenti in collezione e propone ai propri clienti il total look del brand

L'abbattimento sul prezzo di cartellino va dal 20 al 35%
giubbotti uomo torino
Riaffiorano nella mia mente anche una serie di abiti e accessori che in quel periodo andavano per la maggiore a Roma.

Piumini Ciesse e Moncler
Scarpe Timberland,ClarksClick the image to open in full size.,Converse all Star, Adidas Stan Smith, Adida
Los Angeles TrainerClick the image to open in full size.
Jeans Levis (501), Lee, WranglerClick the image to open in full size.
Giaccone di pelle Schott (Rigorosamente negozio El-Charro)Click the image to open in full size.
Cinte (Rigorosamente negozio El-Charro)Click the image to open in full size.
Magliette e Felpe Mistral (Nota marca di abbigliamento da Surf)
Maglioni Marina Yachting
Motorini il Ciao,il SI,Il vespone
e tante altre cose...
che bello ricordare!
Vecchio 16-02-09

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