Monday 3 September 2012

celery soup against joint pain


On to another satisfying soup - a simple creation, but rich in texture and flavor.

5 cups minced celery and leaves
2 cups chicken stock
1 slice onion
2 tablespoons. butter
3 tablespoons flour
2 cup milk
1 cup cream
Salt and pepper
to taste
Dry sherry
, optional Combine celery, chicken stock and 2 cups boiling water in saucepan; simmer until celery is tender. Saute onion in butter; blend in flour. Stir in milk; cook, stirring, until thick. Add celery mixture and cream; season with salt and pepper. Process in electric blender until smooth or use a hand-held immersion blender. Reheat to serve. Dry sherry, to taste, may be added to each bowl


Here's a version of Cream of Celery Soup made with raw foods - no cooking or heating at all. The end result is rich and nourishing.

1 bunch celery, finely chopped
2 cups water
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup lemon juice
1 avocado, peeled and diced
1 tomato, sliced
1/2 to 1 tablespoon honey
some chopped parsley
salt and pepper
, to taste Blend all ingredients together until smooth and serve.

I knew we'd get here sooner or later: if you can eat it, you can mix it with beans. Just 3 ingredients produce this plain and simple soup, but you can certainly add tiny cubes of cooked ham or crumbled bacon as a garnish. the Soup Lady likes a bit of green on top as well - maybe some chopped scallions or a bit of parsley.
Soak one pint of navy beans for twenty-four hours, then simmer on the back of the coal range or at the edge of a coal fire over night. Take two stalks of celery, cut it fine, cook it half an hour with the beans, then press celery and beans through a colander. Heat one quart of beef stock, add the puree and cook together for fifteen minutes, stirring constantly.

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