Monday 28 May 2012

Finsbury Park ghost

In 1988 my then girlfriend and I went to live at her aunt’s house, her aunt had moved out with her boyfriend and as we were then living with my mother and our young baby of 2 months old this seemed like a sensible move for us to make.
The house was a basement flat in Woodstock Road, Finsbury Park and although old felt very welcoming. I’ll describe the layout; Enter front door into narrow hallway, first door right main bedroom, continue hallway second door right bathroom/toilet, straight ahead living room and open plan kitchen. Ok so we’d been there about a week together when we started to notice that directly above the toilet there was an airing cupboard, this door would constantly be open even though the catch worked perfectly well.
There was no breeze coming out or in but it would always be open. My girlfriend actually watched it open while in the bath once! Freaky but no problem, we then started to have keys go missing, money, purses, tools, stupid small things you’d put down then they’d be gone!!
We asked her aunt (the previous occupier) about this and she said “oh weird things happen in that place all the time, take no notice and you’ll forget about it”. So we decided to ignore these silly things but one night my girl and daughter where staying with her Father for the weekend so i was alone, i borrowed one of my Mum’s dogs to keep me company for the night, an 8 year old Rottweiler called Ella who decided to spend the whole night nervously shaking by the back door and waking me throughout the night with loud barks, this was completely out of character for her as although she was a soppy old thing she had never acted like this.
Anyway I told my Mum and Gran about this in the morning and they decided to come to the house to check it out. Nan was very spiritual and often picked up on things. I’ll never forget her standing in the kitchen of that place and in the time it took to boil a kettle she said, “I don’t think you should stay here anymore and you’re welcome to come home with me now!” I declined as my girl was on route home and I said I’d keep it in mind.
Later my girls returned and we visited my Mum’s for dinner, she then drove us back to the house and my brother helped bring the babies buggy in and put it in the bedroom, in the room we kept a jar of sweets and my brother and I helped ourselves to a handful each and he left, I shut the front door walked past the bedroom, all was well in the house and I joined the girls in the living room.
About half an hour later I went to put the baby in her crib and on entering the room I couldn’t believe my eyes, the cupboard was open with clothes strewn everywhere, the bed was tipped up and the crib was on it’s side, the room looked like someone had gone crazy in it and i immediately checked the windows for an intruder. I called my girlfriend in and she asked why I had done this, I explained what I’d found and we just stood in silence.
I started clearing up and this feeling came over me as if someone was laughing at me, my girlfriend also felt the same. We put it out of our minds and got ready for bed, the baby was sound asleep and all felt calm. The timing of this was arriving home 10pm, room trashed 10.30/35pm going to bed 11.30pm. At 1.30am I was woken by the baby cooing in her crib, I looked in at her and she was looking straight passed me as her attention seemed to be engaged elsewhere.
I felt extremely cold to the point of freezing, I turned to my girlfriend who was sound asleep and said her name quietly in her ear to wake her, she didn’t stir and by the milli-second I began to be filled with fear and dread I whispered to her twice more and on the second whisper of her name a voice clear as a bell repeated her name into my ear! The baby then screamed and I can tell you I woke her up in an instant we gathered some belonging and left for my Mum’s house by foot. We stayed at my Mum’s over night and the next day we returned after deciding we could take no more to collect our things, when we got there the place was ransacked, bed upside down, cupboard tipped over contents of the kitchen cupboards all over the place, you name it it was everywhere. I spoke to the aunt again after moving out and she said it had happened in the past but once you got used to it it would stop, I obviously thanked her for not mentioning this before we moved in.
Subsequently the house keys where returned to the local council. I later found out that 2 tenants had moved out within weeks of moving in and that to my knowledge the property is to this day unhabited and boarded up. Also in the flat above lived a young girl with her daughter and her ex killed her sometime after we’d left in a very macbre and evil manner. Makes you wonder doesn’t it!!!

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