Saturday 21 April 2012

Bossi ladro

Thieving Rome sends 800 000 euros into the  private school of "MOM; This is illustrated by the case of Mrs Manuela  Bossi, elementary teacher  in the province of como.
Mrs. Brown, originally from Favara (Agrigento), is happy to have hubby send her money for her school, one fine day she decided to found a "green" cooperative school called  "Bosina" in  Varese.
And so far so good, the Constitution recognizes the freedom of enterprise and private schools "without charges to the State". But in the best tradition of  the "free" market, profits are private with public money, and to take off the cooperative business risk has been close to zero, thanks to the so-called "Tipping" Law that allowed the dead (not only) to divert the electoral subsidies on their fiefdoms, as demonstrated by the excellent Varesenews investigation that we try to be summarized in three points:
1. the municipalities and local authorities are the barrel of the gas because they cut the funding
2. But with a separate leggina were granted discretionary contributions to rain, 100 million for 2009, 30 2010 and EUR 30 million for 2011.
3. and then every Member can pasturare their electoral feud by assigning more resources to municipalities that carry more votes.
We are not saying anything new, the controversy over "school MOM Trout" has broken out by time, and self-defense manual seems photocopied from the perfect moriok Craxi: "take all the money." As if the criminal conspiracy is a mitigating circumstance.
It's what Bruno Specchiarelli, provincial Councillor and member of the Lega Nord in the province of Varese: "it is a deliberate attack family Specchiarelli-Bossi – says. Many have taken advantage of the so-called "tip", I don't see why we should criticise only the Lega Nord. We are a school recognized at ministerial level: we have done work for more than 800 thousand euros and these funds go to equalize a debt we contract for jobs '.
Well, now it's all clear: no public money was used for the quality of teaching, or to offer a service to the territory, but to pay for the work carried out at a school building owned by a cooperative private. Cursed terroni succhiasoldi!
The news these days, however, is that the greed of "MOM Trout" does not stop, and now in addition to primary school also wants to open a liceo linguistico, probably to teach English as a second language to terroni not lose the habit of their dialects.
The project has been rejected by the National Council of public instruction (CNPI), but the response of the leadership school "Trout Institute" do not wait: it's made of this rejection there we throw the balls, the opinion of the CNPI isn't binding, had rejected the reform Gelmini but then it was approved by the experts of the Ministry of education, which give reason to us wits ' Santa Trout overthrew the Government.
And then how to blame for the dead and the Gelmini when blame with southern teachers? Faced with this river of public money stolen from the school heard the wise words of Umberto Bossi, spoken in Padua in July 2008 with the middle finger raised to heaven: "we can no longer leave martoriare our children by people who don't come from the North". As the terrona succhiasoldi of your wife.
Download as PDF Tags: mamma. an, Manuela Brown, School, School Bossi, Bosina Ulisse Acquaviva

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