Friday 30 January 2015

make up for men

Makeup For Men

– Man Up. The status quo changed.
Men across the globe have been using facial products to keep them looking clean, fresh, and presentable. From news anchors to celebrities, the reach of male cosmetics has now penetrated mainstream society. How did this happen some ask? It’s a simple reason really – Men, at any age, want to look good.
The need to embrace such products came to Man Up’s founder, Andrew, on the night of his high school prom. He says, “I had acne across my face and didn’t know what to do”. Like any son he consulted his mother who eventually attacked his face with her products. Though it was an intimidating experience when he was ready Andrew was shocked at how good he really looked. He searched for male products and found sub-par alternatives. Andrew vowed to create a product line specifically for men and a few months later Man Up was born.

Male And Female Cosmetics Are Different

Male and female cosmetics are different. In some eyes makeup is a product for women, inclusive of colored lipsticks, eye shadows and items that give pops of color. The male products sold at Man Up are different. Not only are they strictly for men, they are undetectable – The Man Up Team sees the practicality of such products. Have a shiny forehead? Man Up’s No-Shine eliminates excess oils and gives a man a matte polished look. Andrew also says, “Your neighbor who has a job interview this month might steal his partners concealer to hide a blemish from a potential employer. Our mission at Man Up is to put your best face forward.”
Man Up, is an online skincare and cosmetics company dedicated to making men look and feel their best. Retailing natural and organic skincare products, pure oil fragrances and cosmetics engineered by Mother Nature and produced in laboratories across Germany, Canada and the USA, it’s safe to say the Man Up line of skincare products and cosmetics is for REAL men.
If you can handle a Jackhammer Cleanser, don’t mind blowing up a bit of dirt and grime with a Dynamite Detox Scrub and wanna pack on the Eye Grenade for good measure, it’s time to unleash your natural superpowers and Man Up.
One week later the two serums arrived via the post. The bottles came in two colours, a black one for use at night and a white one for use during the day. The instructions are simple you spray the day serum in the morning and the night serum before you go to sleep. There is no need to rub it, just spray it on your face, it could not be any easier.

ZV2 Night Serum

The night serum is developed with skin nourishing and regeneration in mind. Just like we do when we are sleep and are regenerating our bodies for the next day. One of the key ingredients in the night serum is DermCom. DermCom is based on an extract of the Crocus Chrysanthus bulb. When applied on the skin it reverses the aging process by stimulating the communication between skin cells. It boost the collagen and elastin production, rejuvenates the skin texture, and reduce the signs of aging.
The second ingredient in the night serum is one that stimulates the synthesis of Androstadienone. When I looked up what this Androstadienone was, I read that it is used to increase sexual attraction. Wow this Night Serum is truly multi functional. Marine active ingredients are being used in this serum to help moisturise and freshen the skin through normalisation and self regulation of the epidermal cell mechanisms. A cocktail of amino acids, vitamins and prebiotics finishes of the process of leaving your skin soothed, moisturised, nourished and energised.

ZV2 Day Serum

The ingrediants in the Day Serum are formulated to help a man’s skin recover from constant shaving. They soothe and calm sensitivity and redness whilst moistening and protecting.  The ingredient to promote the synthesis of Androstadienone is again present, which will also result in increased sexual attraction during the day. The rest of the cocktail of ingredients is there to leave the skin feeling firm and smooth, reduce under-eye dark circles and puffiness, and reduce the effects of stress and fatigue. This leaves your skin energised and radiant. To finish it of the day serum protects your skin against the stresses of the environment.


So what is the result after 2 weeks of use. I think the anti aging effect, or the slowing down of these effects are harder to measure on such a short time frame. My skin did feel more soft and moisturised but the biggest effect was that I felt less tired and more energised, I never thought a beauty product could do that to you. So will I continue to use this product? Yes I would the first signs are great and the easiness of applying it makes a great product.

Where to buy

ZV2 Day and night serum is available online at

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