Sunday 24 June 2012

art should be positive

 I don't go see films about people trying to run across highways or domestic rapports that go very wrong, I can't recommend this type of film.  For the same reasons I don't go see films about people shooting themselves up on drugs and dying from overdose complications, .  I already know it's dangerous to run across freeways and to smoke meth;  therefore, I don't need to watch 2 hours of footage of people trying to run across freeways or poking needles in their arms, then watching them get mangled by cars or watching their teeth fall out from drug abuse. All art should be's obvious that goals in art  should be productive in nature. What is meant by this  is that as you create your artistic goals  you should do so with a positive mind frame.Anything which preaches the lewd or the depressing cannot help mankind and is that not arts nature?
This type of statement may strike you a bit like preaching to the choir, but you would be surprised how many of us place a negative slant on our life without even realizing it. Take this statement as an example:
  • "Dieting sucks, but since I cannot stand being overweight there's not much choice in the manner. At least I'll be happy once I've lost the weight".If you instead said Dieting with exciting new food is fun then you'd be on the love train to a new way to be.If you realised that a life concentrated on food was a life just as much devoted to drugs then you'd see the point of uplifting perception and prospective
If you ask most people who are beginning a diet what their thoughts about their goal are, you'll probably hear responses very similar to the above. Is it any surprise why most of us have perpetual struggles with weight? Up and down… up and down… the roller coaster never ends until we finally give up.The same thing is with art, if before we set out we want to be positive in our artistic underrtaking even though the subject matter may be minor as opposed to major then we can create art that rises abovethe ordinary.

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