Thursday 10 March 2011


TRY GOOGLING photo of Gordon Ramsey in Rangers shirt, see what you come up with cos I can't find one except those of the old fart wearing one now and rangers youth.
But its Bunker time at Ramsay HQ. Sarah Symonds is stretching her legs.
The frosted-lipped "professional mistress" caused a rumpus last year by claiming, despite Gordon Ramsay's repeated denials, that she had engaged in a seven-year affair with the irritable chef.
The claims kick-started a rollercoaster of bad press for Ramsay who, within weeks, was facing a hotchpotch of other allegations, ranging from the amusing (that his boast to have played for Glasgow Rangers football club was somewhat – how to put it? – exaggerated) to the alarming (that he was peddling ready-meals in some of his London restaurants).
Since then, Ramsay's done his best to prevent a repeat performance, staging a host of horlicksy family shots and recruiting a spanking new media handler. Symonds, however, is not one to disappear without a fight; as well as popping up during the filming of Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares, she's launched a book (Having an Affair?, by Sarah J Symonds) and secured several high-profile television appearances.
Now, we hear Ms Symonds is to begin offering one-on-one life coaching sessions for would-be mistresses wanting to emulate her career.
Says Symonds: "My fees are very reasonable and I am willing to work with all of you depending on your situations and budgets."

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