Wednesday 22 April 2015

pinstripes and chalkstripes

.adam of london for a mod look and above ralph lauren

Pin stripe

Probably the most well known stripe today is the pin stripe.charcoal with classic white pin stripe 340-370 grams 13-14 oz It is a very thin (not wider than about 1/18 inch, usually about 1/30 inch wide) single stripe that gives the impression of a pinhead spot. A single warp yarn is used to create a stripe, while the distance between the stripes usually ranges from 1/10 inch up to 1 inch

Chalk stripe

Another very popular stripe is the chalk stripe
.navy-classic-with-chalk-stripe-340-370-grams-13-14-oz Here, a series of threads, not just one, is used to create a stripe that resembles one that is drawn with tailor’s chalk. The stripe does not look like little pinhead spots, but much rather like a rope. The width of the stripe varies while it is always wider than the pin stripe.Sometimes you might read that a chalk stripe is by definition a little fuzzy, while the pin stripe is always clear and crisp.
 This is not convincing. On the one hand, there are many flannel chalk stripes which naturally have a fuzzy effect, but this has at least partly to do with the characteristic of flannel itself. On the other hand, the pin stripe is often used on worsted woollens, but there are also flannel pin stripes or fresco pin stripes which are a little fuzzier.
You even may come across the description rope stripe, which is supposedly used to define a stripe which resembles a rope. However, many would define this stripe as a chalk stripe, since there is no unique distinguishing mark. Other than that, there are numerous other stripes available: shadow stripes, pencil stripes, faint stripes, self stripes, but I will not go into the details since they do not have anything to do with our original question: chalk stripe or pin stripe.
In conclusion, one can say that there does not seem to be a uniform definition for chalk stripe or pin stripe. This is underlined by the fact that some even talk about a wide pin stripe, which further confuses the issue. In any case, bear in mind that the name of the stripe is secondary and should not really bother you at all. If you like a certain stripe, just wear it!

a superb stephen hitchock bespoke chalkstripe

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