Monday 13 December 2010


I bought a jar of Urad cream at the National Finals Rodeo after the gentalman used it on my boots. My husband refurbishes old saddles & ran off with the can as soon as we got home from Las Vegas. Those old, abused saddles come out so beautiful that even our saddlemaker friend was impressed! I've just reordered an extra jar for him & am trying the Aquila as my new saddle has a suede seat & fenders!

Brenda Murrell

OK/USA I have never had a product clean my saddle like Aquila!! The silver laced rawhide trim is white again. They now look next to new. I wouldn't have bought a jar of URAD thinking it was way too expensive and wouldn't go far enough but it only takes a tiny bit and is well worth every penny. I have been telling all of my barrel racing friends.

Ben B. Babin

Louisiana I feel obligated to tell you how pleased with URAD. It certainly is a pleasure to buy a product that exceeds expectations.

Linda Boccia

CO Dear URAD: A year ago I bought your leather conditioner after seeing it demonstrated at a Home and Garden Show in Denver. Since we have moved 10 times in 15 years movers have tried to protect our furniture, and it has not always been sucessful. Adding to that we formerely had 3 young cats, who we discovered were running over our leather couches when we were at work. Your products restored to almost new the scratches. Now I use them twice a year to keep the leather supple in a very dry climate. Thank you for delivering on your advertising claims at a time when many products simply do not. Linda Boccia, Denver, Colorado

Darrin Thorne

NF, Canada I purchased URAD leather creme at a Toronto Boatshow two years ago, I'm still using the same container of creme and it is working wonderfully. I just brought it into work with and did several pairs of shoes for other employees, they can't believe how it brings their old scuffed up shoes back to life! I recommend it to anyone. Darrin Thorne

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