Saturday 31 March 2012

meetin women part two

Relax, you must not overdo a play. Stop presenting yourself, and make her feel like she is presenting herself to you.Learn to accept rejection. Rejection is part of the game and being rejected doesn't necessarily mean there's something wrong with you. 
Repeated rejections, however, should prompt you to evaluate yourself and look for changes.If you are not very attractive then you'll have to work on your body because rejections will be the order of the day, its useless to say that you'll find someone to love you, yeah maybe you will find a ting tang from thailand but that wont get you lots of pussy all the time, remember that if you have a great body then you will get pussy without fail evenif you are ugly,You might not get the pussy you want but you'll get it. Remember that while women are mostly on the look out for hard  dick they want you to participate in a ceromony before you fuck their granny to bits, its called respect and sensitivity, it may be bollocks but there you are, it  may not  be long lasting but women like men want fixes of sex every now and then and youll be high on the list if you are the bizz body wise.
Plan on where to meet. Grocery stores and gyms are great places to meet women. Laundromats are also a possibility if you are both doing washing. Bars are another place to find single women. Don't go to meet women at loud dance clubs. A nice sports bar is ideal.Always be prepared. Talk to women wherever you go. It gives you practice and helps overcome the fears of talking to them.Smile. Show those pearly whites all day, every day. Get your teeth whitened, Smiles are infectious.
Do not focus on the target first if she is with friends. Make friends with her friends, so they do not think you are just some creep trying to get laid (especially if you are).
 Then, after you have sufficiently impressed the group, you can start to talk to the target girl. Women often talk about men they like when you are not there.

wear polos instead of t.shirts, t.shirts invariably look crap unless you really know what you are about, make sure they are good quality like the armani above, perfect for most warm weather experiences.

a selection of soft collared shirts are worth having have one for every day of the week, the ones above are by Boggi, they can also be used with a tie for work.

Make a connection. Try and find out what this person really loves in the world, and let her tell you all of the things she loves about it. As said even if you dont like clothes get some good ones, get shop assistants to help you, dont buy lots of stuff but have some quality clothes that look laid back , think sonny crockett 2012.But also make sure you got great footwear, spend a bit on it , dont wear trainers unless they are highly vis and you need them for a particular thing.
Then, tell her you feel just the same way about some things, but disagree with her opinions on other things. For instance, "Yeah, I really like Van Gogh too, but Monet is much too simplistic." Make her get involved in a conversation.But if you dont know anything bout anything you are on a loser so start studying something that an intelligent woman may like, the cinema for instance.Remember that language is a currency and a cockney slapper hard as old boots wont think much on monet, so give her some shit on swhatever she starts to talk about.

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