We have been there before and do we want to go there again? Not really .The whole idea is tired and the clothes not that great in my opinion and prices sky high. Do you need to buy here? Not really but shops on the high street or in this case on a particular high street seem to have run out of ideas in a near total sense. Far from the days of Take Six when anything that occured in Movies for example was immediately in the Take Six shops. What we have now is a whole series of shops selling the same things more or less, if you want to get something particular then you are not going to find it on the high streets of Europe. This shop reminds me of everything thats out there, El Ganso in Spain and Tommy Hilfinger come to mind.
The French have always been not very good at creating trendy young clothes apart from the very high end in stuff like Yves St Laurent in the 70s, this shop confirms it oops!!!!!!!! Art De Soultrait, 30, is the French founder of fashion label Vicomte A.
Hes like a Harry Enfield character because if you are cool he says "yooooo er crazeeeeeee" . Crazy for the frogolog
is the highest form of flattery , "Ever ree wun eeees crazeeeeee!!!!!!! yawn yawn yawn yawn
need a round neck jumper? They got em at asda too lol
He is legendary among the Euro fast set. He is the consummate
fin de siècle aristocrat famed for his in my opinion we have asda tesco lookalikes below
debauched themed birthdays: last year Eyes Wide Shut, with topless waitresses; in April,
very ordinary polos that cost a lot twice a fred perry
Versailles, with burlesque strippers, dwarfs and Pippa Middleton in a corset, washed down with magnums of Bollinger.(He hasnt understood about Bolling yet)
.better places are get the label for better polos, john lewis and house of fraser for shoes , charles tywhitt, marks and spencers for a few things not much though.
He is legendary among the Euro fast set. He is the consummate
Versailles, with burlesque strippers, dwarfs and Pippa Middleton in a corset, washed down with magnums of Bollinger.(He hasnt understood about Bolling yet)
Today Arthur de Soultrait is sitting in his new London boutique, a fuchsia-fronted affair on King’s Road, a stone’s throw from Pippa Middleton’s flat.
asda I love you
The style is Euro meets Preppy with a dash of Eton c. 1936 with lots of hilfinger and we seen it all before.
“It was so important to open in London especially on King’s Road,” says de Soultrait in his heavy French accent. “I think the address is fantastic for the reputation of the brand.”Like most French he has not mastered the lingo as regards accent.
With him is James Harvey-Kelly, 25, the company’s new menswear designer, a Londoner who trained in Jermyn Street. They’re both dressed like characters in an early walt disney film of Mickey Mouse — carrots and a Popeye pipe wouldn’t be amiss.
It’s Tommy Hilfinger watered down but art has other ideas “I think the brand has the potential of Ralph Lauren,” Its not and anyway why copy Lauren.
Who wears their clothes? “Friends ooooo ere crazeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" says someone. Ok fucking boring again.
It feels a bit forced, this pressure to have fun. “Wait until later on,” de Soultrait says with sparkle, “you will see some real Vicomte partying it will be crazeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.”
What’s the best party he’s been to? Honestly I couldnt give a fuck at this point.
De Soultrait believes in treating his staff to a bit of R&R, he tells me. “In July I take the crew to a house near St Tropez for 10 days,” he says. “It sleeps 24. This year we had a ‘white party’, there was a big dinner and a party for the whole weekend. I organised everything.”
What did they eat? He shrugs. He can’t remember. “Pasta? And we had a lot of Bollinger.
Do the English usually strip? “The English are very good at parties,” he says. “Tonight will be brilliant: we’re going to the Brompton Club.”
So I ask about the Brompton Club — a favourite of Prince Harry — and Harvey-Kelly says: “It’s just been re-done because it was getting a bit Sloaney and now they are going to make it more hip.”
“It will be hip hop tonight?” Arthur asks, confused.
De Soultrait, the first of four children, grew up in Burgundy on a sprawling old farm where his parents bred horses. (They also have a castle in Chitry-les-Mines). The family can trace their aristocratic lineage back multiple generations and the family has been prominent in France since 1349.
Frogolog comes from the bucolic redneck land of France not Paris . It’s Burgundy — not Paris — that is really “home” and where he goes for shooting, hunting and riding.
He went to business school — IPAG — and to the US as an intern. His father cut him off (“to help him learn about money”) so when the company went bust, de Soultrait took his tie collection and sold them door-to-door. He made £8,000 and founded Vicomte A. Eight years later, he has 30 shops globally, including in Japan, Mexico, Kuwait and Slovakia. .All on 8 grand .Do we believe this? No.At least I dont but some do.
Suddenly frogolog decides its time to be less crazeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I catch a glimpse of what I suspect might be the Arthur in earnest: “Actually, it’s not all about parties,” he says, suddenly looking his earnest look. “You can’t imagine how much I work. I don’t get much sleep at all. But I like to be totally in control. When it is your name or your brand you have to control everything.”
thing in the company that is impossible to control.” Vive la France.I love the French, look hard in my eyes lol. but where do you buy if you dont buy here
The style is Euro meets Preppy with a dash of Eton c. 1936 with lots of hilfinger and we seen it all before.
“It was so important to open in London especially on King’s Road,” says de Soultrait in his heavy French accent. “I think the address is fantastic for the reputation of the brand.”Like most French he has not mastered the lingo as regards accent.
With him is James Harvey-Kelly, 25, the company’s new menswear designer, a Londoner who trained in Jermyn Street. They’re both dressed like characters in an early walt disney film of Mickey Mouse — carrots and a Popeye pipe wouldn’t be amiss.
It’s Tommy Hilfinger watered down but art has other ideas “I think the brand has the potential of Ralph Lauren,” Its not and anyway why copy Lauren.
Who wears their clothes? “Friends ooooo ere crazeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" says someone. Ok fucking boring again.
It feels a bit forced, this pressure to have fun. “Wait until later on,” de Soultrait says with sparkle, “you will see some real Vicomte partying it will be crazeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.”
What’s the best party he’s been to? Honestly I couldnt give a fuck at this point.
De Soultrait believes in treating his staff to a bit of R&R, he tells me. “In July I take the crew to a house near St Tropez for 10 days,” he says. “It sleeps 24. This year we had a ‘white party’, there was a big dinner and a party for the whole weekend. I organised everything.”
What did they eat? He shrugs. He can’t remember. “Pasta? And we had a lot of Bollinger.
Do the English usually strip? “The English are very good at parties,” he says. “Tonight will be brilliant: we’re going to the Brompton Club.”
So I ask about the Brompton Club — a favourite of Prince Harry — and Harvey-Kelly says: “It’s just been re-done because it was getting a bit Sloaney and now they are going to make it more hip.”
“It will be hip hop tonight?” Arthur asks, confused.
De Soultrait, the first of four children, grew up in Burgundy on a sprawling old farm where his parents bred horses. (They also have a castle in Chitry-les-Mines). The family can trace their aristocratic lineage back multiple generations and the family has been prominent in France since 1349.
Frogolog comes from the bucolic redneck land of France not Paris . It’s Burgundy — not Paris — that is really “home” and where he goes for shooting, hunting and riding.
He went to business school — IPAG — and to the US as an intern. His father cut him off (“to help him learn about money”) so when the company went bust, de Soultrait took his tie collection and sold them door-to-door. He made £8,000 and founded Vicomte A. Eight years later, he has 30 shops globally, including in Japan, Mexico, Kuwait and Slovakia. .All on 8 grand .Do we believe this? No.At least I dont but some do.
Suddenly frogolog decides its time to be less crazeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I catch a glimpse of what I suspect might be the Arthur in earnest: “Actually, it’s not all about parties,” he says, suddenly looking his earnest look. “You can’t imagine how much I work. I don’t get much sleep at all. But I like to be totally in control. When it is your name or your brand you have to control everything.”
thing in the company that is impossible to control.” Vive la France.I love the French, look hard in my eyes lol. but where do you buy if you dont buy here
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