Sunday, 30 March 2014

Storm South Milan

    Another mediocre is at the moment
     intellectualising the mediocre

  1.  and Im praying for it to stop,
    despite irritation,
     it goes on ,
     so  concentrating on pasts.
    I recall 
    before dawn
     winds that  began to pick up , 
    picked from murmer to shouts,
    fulfilling their words 

    that they would
     come after
    weather warnings. 
    You don't need a weatherman
    someone said at the time ,
    wind whipping you as if it were truth ,
  2. a true nor'easter,
      unlike  storms
     we had later.
     Out there in the storm
    last-minute shoppers
     and last minute people
     heading home
     for no holidays.
    It was 60s shoppers,
     along dead street,
     heading to working class oblivion 
    heading towards a world
    of no reward
    but believing.
     I recall the feeling but nothing more.
     However the disturbance, 
    winds  picked up late that night
     and went through the next  day  
     Precipitation largely decided by elevation.
      frozen ground  low land , dead land.
    Shoppers looking for the non existent ,
      amidst them 
    I saw her
    not 45 looking 30 
     all that stuff gone
    and this time stoic resigned
    and I was surprised to see him by her side,
    she held his arm as if  asking forgiveness
    as they walked for oblivion

    he had no nowhere to go
    her neither

    I lived long enough
    to see that. 
     The fight
     to stay on 
     her two legs
      moving never resting

    Dies as in ancient mind
    gone haywire,
     losing pride
    losing control
    losing mind.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

asda and dont waste your money

Why pay out good money for things when you can get them much cheaper and look the same . Lets think of a polo and a pair of chinos, at hackett its costing you 185 pounds for decent quality but nothing out of the ordinary#

Its dire and its fat birds squeezed into leggings much too small and its maybe the most depressing shop for clothes ever, who are the people that actually decide and design this shit ? Well here a few things that if you are on a budget are not that bad. As regards asda the polo and the chinos here are not terrible quality just no choice but look at this8 pounds the polo and 14 pounds the chinos in total 22 pounds and be honest you will not look worse than the hackett look . below the polo and chinos are more asda stuff thge best of a bad bunch of clothing as regards style and sometimes material


marks and spencer is pretty dire too if we consider the rubbish styles they have, rarely anythning that excites you but the polo below is around 20 pounds pair it with these light grey 17 pound sale chinos and you pay 37 pounds and look good

cxharles tywitt is pretty boring as regards interesting polos, i found only thgis that isnt too bad .its 35 poundsteam it with the chalk chinos at 50 pounds

the modmaster in cam den market has these at 29.95, nice straight narrow legged sta prest b ut not much good in polos, go fgor this gabbici at 60 pounds

at the end of the day what is best ? Id rule out hackett and TYywitt ass in my opinion overpriced and id go for the asda perry 60s look alike paired with the modfather sta prest at a p[rice of around 37 pounds